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Milly: It's no use, Jake, she's always like this. Less rehearsal time would be nice though...

Hailey: Milly, I thought you loved coming to rehearsals!

Milly: Yeah, I do! I just don't know how much longer I can take of those two flirting with each other all the damn time now!

Luke: *gives Zander his scarf while saying something that can't be heard*

Zander: *says something back that can't be heard either*

Jake: Well, I'd rather have to see that than have Zander try to bite my head off every time I do much as say hi to him..

Hailey: *laughs* Well, it is the honeymoon period. In sure they'll be back to normal soon enough

Jake: *sarcastically* Oh, yippee....

My favorite moments from The Music Freaks (TMF) in no particular orderOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant