CH.1 : A Fated Encounter

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(Atlas POV)

My life has been nothing but a cycle of pain and misery ever since my sister died, it's been 8 months since the accident, my mother and father blamed me for her death. They have mistreated me ever since her death, right now I was walking down to a CVS to buy bandages for my bruise and cuts thanks to my now abusive father beating me for the past 8 months. While walking a buzz came from my pocket a look of confusion crept upon my face ("Hmm... I usually don't get any notification this late at night, wonder what's going on"), taking my phone out of my pocket the screen flashes to life with the EAS icon front and center THE FOLLOWING MESSAGE IS FOR THE FOLLOWING COUNTY LOS Angeles, LONG BEACH, AND Irvine COUNTIEs. AT 9:15 PM PDT, NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICES Doppler RADAR LOCATED TITANUS MONSTER-ONE HEADING TOWARD LOS Angeles COUNTY AT FLANK SPEED IN APPARENT AGITATION. ALL RESIDENTS ARE TO TAKE COVER IN THE NEAREST Kaiju SHELTER, IF UNABLE TO FIND SHELTER, GET TO THE LOWEST LEVEL OF A STURDY BUILDING, OR FORTIFIED AND ENCLOSED SPACE. DO NOT GO OUT ON THE STREETS REPEAT DO N-''

I was launched backward due to a powerful wind gust, landing back-first against the asphalt I laid down for a few minutes and slowly started gaining my footing. Upon reaching a kneeling position I began to feel a warm liquid run down the side of my face reaching my hand up to my face. I felt a sting of pain from my head, a cut going down from behind my ear to the bottom of my neck. lucky the cut was not too deep ("Ah.. . what's was th-.") a ear-shattering roar interrupted my thoughts upon checking my surroundings I watched my home burn around me seeing buildings demolished, the streets littered with rubble and broken cement and the sounds of fires crackling around me and in the center of it all was a massive gray and white hydra type monster, three heads panning the area of the city which lay in ruins all around them till they stopped and looked at a few surviving people, in a moment of haste I ran toward the beast picking up a decent sized rock and chucking it at the beast, hitting the right head just below the eye, this got the attention of the right head which was now facing me. The other 2 followed shortly afterwards(" I... believe I didn't t-t-think this through") I thought to myself slowly starting to back away my body shaking with fear, the massive hydra roared after the display of aggression. I was hauling ass after that. It's really crazy what your body can do when fearing for your life, like seriously I thought I was breaking world records out here, I was shaken from my thought as the sound of debris being flung close behind me, I ducked into an alleyway trying to catch my breath but soon the building started to collapse around me, coving my head with my arms I spirited out of the alleyway and was faced with a courthouse looking back to see the coast was clear, I made my way to the building.

Walking up the steps I made it to the front door only to frantically trying to open the door that was locked as the realization dawned me that i'm stuck I strong breeze threw down the back of neck knowing what was behind I turned around and was face to face with the titan I moved back slowly till my back hit the door, people say that a cornered beast will bear its teeth at is aggressor, well that's shit. Silent tears creeping their way out of my eyes, sliding down to the floor my eyes lock with the creature's piercing gaze. It's in these moments where you can really start appreciating the size of this creature, giving into my dread I laid my head down ready to accept my demise that was coming...

(Cellist POV)

I kept staring at this human who threw something at Io, this human was indeed bold, getting our attention like that. If this were some other human I would've obliterated it by now but something about him seems different. Something was keeping me from doing that. I then heard a small noise that was displaying their weakness... but fear, heaps of it, soon I came closer and sniffed him, this causing him to look up at me, realizing that this is a child! By his looks he must be an adolescent human, but still young. I could see the fear building up in his eyes and face stained with tears. Our scales started to turn back to our siverly white color, we leaned up and looked down at the child...("t-thats a human child") I said, I soon raised my head and looked at what was left of the human colony. All our anger seemed to drift from me and what replaced it was a small sense of guilt, the realization dawning on me("w-what have we done?"). We did what Ichi and Ni would have done senselessly destroying human colonies. Sure, we had a different reason but it doesn't make it any worse, this human, this small child, was scared and lost. His home is gone, I fear we obliterated his parents. ("What do we do? We just... we killed so many innocent humans!") Io said, perhaps the realization dawned on her as well that these humans, especially this one had nothing to do with what happened to San, for those were different humans. ("How about we just fly out of here? The fire and smoke is starting to annoy me!") Eura said, I didn't respond, I just kept looking at the human knowing that we caused this suffering.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2022 ⏰

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