The Countdown.

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Mariah, Chloe, Amber and I were at the mall, specifically at a vintage store since there was 50℅ discount. We didn't think we'd find much things that we'd like but we were impressed! There were many fashionable clothing, cute little dolls, and many vintage clocks. Our eyes we're on this specific clock, it was a small little clock with a small clown doll hanging onto it. The girls and I agreed that we'd put this as a design for our treehouse being built. We continued to look for

 more stuff we could get. When we were done shopping, we decided to leave the clock with Mariah since it was her who payed for the clock. We thought about leaving it with Mariah until the treehouse was built, so it was only temporary that we left it with her. We all returned home. Since we returned around night time, I just had a quick dinner and slept peacefully. The girls and I went to meet at a new cafe down town. All of the girls showed up and had fun chit chatting,

 except.. For Mariah. She hadn't spoken the entire time we were there. She looked concerned, and tired. "What's wrong" Amber asked Mariah. Mariah looked at Amber then to Chloe, then to me. "Th-The clock.. I couldn't sleep all night.. I couldn't stop l-looking at the c-lown..". Amber and I looked at each other. " Mariah was never afraid of clowns, plus it's an adorable clown with a little cute smile? " Amber whispered to me. Mariah had apparently brought the clock, we

 looked back at the clown not knowing why Mariah was paranoid. The clock seemed to have a note on it that we didn't notice when we bought it. The note read "When the clock points 12am. The holder is taken. " "Last night it wouldn't point to 12am. Like there was a certain date it would point at it... " Mariah added. "Uhh, let's just return it! " Chloe said. After finishing our food, we headed to the same vintage store. We spoke to the owner about returning the item, but they

 don't do any return policies. We even asked if we could just return it without getting our money back, we were desperate. But our request was still declined.. "Once you buy it, you cannot get rid of it. " The shop owner said. "I uhh, can we please leave it with Amber for today? She's best at inspections! " Chloe added, Amber nodded. Mariah handed the clock to Amber with a worried face. Nothing much really happened. During the night time at exactly 12:00 am, I received a text

 from Amber in our GC. The text read, "Hey guys! It turned 12am but nothing happened! Probably just a prank". Amber was texting more updates, but it said she wasn't texting anymore and was offline.. Odd but oh well. The next day I said goodbye to my mom to go to school, but before I could leave, something caught my eye. The news she was watching. " Amber Vivian has been found murdered, full body covered in blood. ". "Amber has a phobia of blood, and that's

 her full name.. " I thought, praying that it wasn't real. I rushed to Amber's place, seeing police investigating. I ran to her room, her corpse was covered, a burial shroud. I saw the police comforting Amber's parents, while taking her body away. I saw the clock. Something changed though. The clown's eyes we're facing me. It was bloody, the clown's pastel colors turned darker. I got it and took it to a professional, someone who has dealt with spirits. Though they said it was

 not someone dead, but a dark entity. Chloe blamed herself for Amber's death since it was her idea for Amber to investigate it. So she took the clown clock instead, Mariah and I told her not to since we know what happened when Amber took it. "It's my fault Amber's dead! Its time I take responsibility for once! " Chloe said sobbing, I could tell she didn't want to do this, she was only in guilt. That night, I couldn't sleep, knowing what would happen.. I realized, if I could make it

 there before 12am, I can save her! I hopped on my bike and sped to Chloe's house. It was around 11:30 pm so I had half an hour. I remembered Chloe's worst fear was being buried alive, so I changed my path heading to the graveyard. When I got there I didn't see anything out of place, and nobody was there. And all of sudden I realize that she could get buried anywhere. I rush back to her house's backyard. I hear a notification on my phone saying I got a new text from the GC. "Guys, it stroke 12am..", I rushed to her front door, opening the door using my hair pin. And I rush to Chloe's room, once I did, I heard a scream. I opened the door and I saw a blood stain on the rug. And a broken window. I check the window and I see her arm sticking out of the grass, I was too late. Then I rush back downstairs, digging the hole. I was too late. I hear sirens, " Put your hands where I can see them! " A police yelled while pointing his gun at me. "Wha- Wait! I didn't do anything I swear! " I said, scared of what could happen. I raise my arms up, and then I remembered. I was the dark entity, how could I forget? I made my "friends" buy it so I could get them, and be unleashed to this disgusting planet called earth. I put my arms down, knowing I was stronger.. I was never a mortal. I was only using her body, and her memories. My past victim's body.. I leave this mortal's body, her corpse collapsing for it is only a dead skin I hid into. I'll be back.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2022 ⏰

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