join our cult! 😤

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Hi, im Ash and this is why YOU should join our cult. Preppy-Mha_Cookie and I have a cult. In our cult we vibe😎💅IK RIGHT? LIKE HOW COOL ARE WE!? (We aren't)

Reasons why you should join our cult:

1. If you join you can simp in peace and i will simp with you like girl, boy, both, neither, its chill! We are a simp safe zone😌

2. Im fucking lonely

3. Im unstable and I will remind you every day how cool you are and tell you that your anime crush IS VALID (unless its mineta, fuck mineta)

4. I will match your energy. My energy depends on other ok? If your in all caps IM IN ALL FUCKING CAPS, and if you wanna vent go for it🍷

5. We like frogs😪✋

6. Im gay as fuck and you should ALL know that❤🧡💛💚💙💜

7. Tokoyami likes cults😫👌

8: fuck the government

9: i never sleep😴🚫

10: we are little space, DID, LGBTQIA friendly (we support ALL😤👍)

11: im nuro divergent and i forget shit😀

12: i need more friends

13: i simp for Hinata Huyga 😐✋💜

14: if you join, i will write you a 1shot about anything from any anime (i cant write smut, i literally can not it will be SO bad i swear)

15: we're funny as fuck (im actually not funny but thats alright)

16: i probably did this wrong and thats okay because who gives a fuck

17: it will piss my homophobic neighbor is you join because im gay😎💅🍷🖤😗✌🙂🌈

18: what else are you doing with your life? 🤨

19: we can be besties, no questions asked, in five messages i swear it will be like we've known each other our whole lives, im just that kind of person. We can message every day, talk about how we wanna die or why we wanna live or why i simp for Hinata-

Ty for hearing me out, have a great day😌

If you wanna join dm Preppy-Mha_Cookie because their the best ever😤

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