Untitled Part 1

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The end of the year came flash-like fast. It is probably because you had the best, so far, time of your life. As you spent it with the chaotic, yet mutually supportive, each in their own way, volleyball team. And it was very sad, that the prop of the team was leaving it – the third-years. And you were determined to make something for them – graduation gifts, that will remind of their happy school and club time.

You hardly made it in time.

As the graduation ceremony ended, the team headed to the gym, to make their own goodbye party – take photos, share memories and just goof around one more time.

"Aren't you coming?", you heard the slightly annoyed voice of your giant boyfriend.

"Of course I am, I just need to pick something from the clubroom. Go, they will wait for you. Don't you want to know who the next cap is? I'll come in a few", you smiled at him.


"What's with him?".

"He will be the captain".

"Well, it is a wise choice. He surely has skills and patience to make you and Kageyama stop bickering... aaaand to hold the wild trio in leash", you laughed at the thought of it, – "Poor Chikara. You know, your smart ass could sometimes just keep your commentaries to yourself and not make Kageyama boiling".

"I don't say anything, that isn't true", he took your bag and walked after you.

"Yeah, yeah. Why you two can't just get along", you sighed and stopped by the stairs. — "Look, I pick the box and get to the gym, okay? Don't make that face", you gently caressed his cheek.

"I don't understand what you are talking about, you little annoying minx", he rolled his yes at you, trying to make the tender moment a bit longer though, but you, to his disappointment, removed your hands. He frowned.

"And you are a colossal titan, but I still adore you. Now off you go".

He sighed deeply at the thought of spending time with the pure chaos and participate in some lame rituals.

You rushed in the photography clubroom and found the box, that you left here in the morning.

"Why do I always end up overdoing things?", the box felt like you were carrying a huge boulder.

You ran down the stairs, trying so hard not to fall head over heels.

"Ok. Mission accomplished", you said to yourself as you reached the gym doors safely.

At that exact moment you tripped on the little porch and fell rolling like a snowball in the gym.

"Y/n!", you heard the screams of the boys and saw Yachi-san almost fainting.

"Are you alright? Dizzy? How many fingers I show?", Suga was sitting in front of you, seriously concerned about your condition.

"Sorry. I am alright. I just... ", you felt somebody lifting you cautiously from behind.

"You are going to break yourself something one day. You seriously need to watch your step", Kei was annoyed.

"Tsukishima, you should be more sensitive to your partner!", Tanaka declared with pride and winked at Shimizu-san.

"Yeah! That's the spirit of a man, Ryu! Take care of your special someone, Tsukishima!", Noya exclaimed.

"What do you know about it, Noya-san?", Kei snickered.

"Okay, okay, let's just get back to the real reason of us being here", Chikara stood between the two boys.

"Sorry, Kei, I just didn't want to miss anything", you whispered and squeezed Kei's hand.

The official part took place. Daichi named Ennoshita as the new captain, wished the team to have strength, will and to support each other on the court.

Suga fooled a bit around, while Asahi tried to cite his favorite book.

Shimizu-san wished all the best and gave a farewell gift to Yachi-san, now the first manager of the team, and asked you to not stop supporting the team and helping out Yachi-san with the boys.

"I will, don't worry, Shimizu-senpai".

Kei looked at you intense, but you were so caught in a moment, that didn't understand his hint. He sighed.

"Diachi-san, Y/n wanted to give you something as a gift for your graduation", and he pushed you gently forward.

"Ah! Right! God, I almost forget. Here", you opened a box and took out 4 photo albums for each senpai.

"A photo album?", Suga got curious.

"Well, yeah. I've done some research and found your photos from the first and second years in the club, some photos of you in general. Highlights, I could say. A bit of sketching and some wishes from the team at the end", you started calmly, but got a bit sobby by the end of your speech.

"Here we go", Kei rubbed the bridge of his nose.

"Uah, I didn't want to cry, I swear. It is just so sad. I would want to see how far you can go together, guys", you tried to calm your tears down.

"It's okay. Look, Asahi get emotional too!", Suga pointed out.

"No, I am not, Suga. It is just something in my eyes", Asahi smiled at you.

"Can I go out for a few minutes, to calm a bit?", you asked.

"Yes, sure! We'll enjoy our gifts while you take a break!", Suga was hyped about the album thing, – "Look Daichi, it is you, looking like a corpse! I didn't know Y/n took so many pictures of us. It is really amazing".

You smiled and went out to wash your puffy face and calm a bit.

"Tsukishima, you really don't like when Y/n is crying, don't you?", Chikara smiled at Kei.

"Why should I like it?", with that being said, he went to check you.

You were sitting on the edge of the stone and looking in the small mirror, when you spotted him.

"Don't say anything. I know I look ridiculous".

"I wanted to say that you look annoyingly adorable with that pinky nose of yours, but, if you insist, you do look funny", he pinched your cheek.

"You are the annoying one".

"Ouch. And they say I am the not sensitive one in this relationship. That hurts my feelings, Y/n", he sat in front of you and made a disappointed and sad face.

To your surprise, he touched your leg and start tracing it on the outside upwards.


"Yes, Y/n?".

"What are you doing?", you felt tingles in your stomach.

"What does it look like?", he spoke calmly and with confidence, keep tracing with his fingers across your skin.

"Em... I wouldn't mind to make out with you, but I don't think it is the right place...", you mumbled as your face turned deep red.

"Oh, you see through me, Y/n. I am on fire. I am in desperate need of it", he was smirking at you.

And then...

He put a plaster on your leg, as you got cut, when you fell though the gym door with that enormous box.

"You did think I was going to kiss you, didn't you? You idiot, Y/n. Cute idiot, though. And clumsy...but cute", he gave you a small flick on the forehead, – "Come on, "I don't want to give them an opportunity to annoy the heck out of me".

He held you a hand, and you accepted it without retorts.

"I am not stupid, you know".

"Yeah, you are just a cookoo one", he smiled slightly, waiting for your reaction.

"And you are a giant smarts ass, but I love you. Does it make me a masochist?", you pouted, and then felt a grab on your shoulder.

"I guess, it makes two of us, you dorky little minx", he pulled you to his chest.

"Ow! Tsukki is a big softie, after all... ", you heard giggling voices, coming out of the gym.

"Dang it... ".

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