Chapter 1

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He should have never been there in the first place. The neatly-dressed man paced up and down different corridors, waiting for his love to emerge from the meeting room. It was now nearing lunch - specifically 12pm - and the figure became more and more anxious. He wasn't supposed to be there at all, as this meeting didn't concern him and he would probably have been verbally annihilated just walking through the door. He hastily adjusted his red tie, which symbolised his Labour pride. Minutes passed, but it seemed like hours. Quietly, he waited, starting more to amble than dash up and down the corridor. He was becoming much more edgy, but at the same time more desperate to pass on the note tucked into his now-sweating hand.

Around half an hour passed, and finally, the door shifted. The handle rattled briefly, before politicians and ghastly-suited, hunched over figures crawled desperately out, scattering out in all directions like some sort of virus spreading to infect all sentient beings, or like Jews from a gas chamber, to get to lunch on time. At the back of the pack, there he was. He had the most perfect Lego hair that you could find on a human being. Yes, he vaguely resembled the children's character "Iggle Piggle", but Ed didn't care. He wanted everything from this man - his money, his hair, his body, his... everything. Ed shifted nervously, sweat starting to form as small droplets on his forehead as the depressing-looking man emerged and began to drag himself in Ed's direction.

Stuttering nervously to himself as the fellow politician approached, he found himself lost for words and could only mumble senselessly as he became lost in the cornflower blue colouring of the other's tie, nearly completely contrasting Ed's own crimson tie. While the reality was that nearly no time passed between David leaving the meeting room and Ed setting eyes on him, it felt like it had been forever. Quickly, Ed shuffled into the hallway to simulate walking in the opposite direction, waiting for David. As David stepped by him, Ed quickly slipped a note into his pocket, brushing against him carefully and mumbling something to himself as the transaction was made. Hastily, Ed shuffled off and once he was out of the building, broke into a run as he tried to escape the situation, unable to handle how flustered he had come just from brushing on David's blazer. Stunned, David stopped to feel the note, trying to call out as Ed left, though unable to stop the man from sprinting out of the building. He took the note delicately out of his pocket, reading it as he opened up the torn piece of lined paper.

Meet me later -

6:00pm at London Bridge

Reading over it a few times, partly in disbelief and partly in uncertainty, he nodded to himself briefly and thrust the note carefully back into the neatly-sewn blazer pocket laying neatly below his waistline, between his pelvis and waist; as most blazers were made, really. David took a careful sip of his lukewarm tea, grimacing at the sudden loss in taste since he made it. David quickly gave up trying to save the drink, almost slamming it down on the desk as he checked through his emails on the computer, squinting ever so slightly as he read through the emails he hadn't yet read.

It happened so quickly. The swift passing of the note filled David with questions, as he read it over and over to try and come to terms with the proposition he had received. What could Ed have possibly meant? Why did he want to meet David? What were Ed's intentions? Eagerly, David stared down the clock, desperate for the time to pass and for these eventless 5 hours to pass quickly. In half of an hour he would be able to leave, and explore the city of London for the most expensive suit he could find. 12:30... 12:31... 12:32... How long would it take?

It was now 13:06. Only five minutes prior, David had escaped the huge glass building he was in before and unleashed himself upon London, his own Jaguar XJ Sentinel glistening in the bright afternoon sunlight. Usually, he wouldn't be driving this himself, but this was a very different occasion to the norm. He drove on as quickly as he could down the busy roads, attempting to avoid creating a blockade of ran-down cyclists. Regardless, he did not care for a single human life except for Ed's.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2015 ⏰

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