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King lucky is seen wandering around restlessly in his chamber, the only thing he could think about is the well being of his subjects, how to make them to like him as their leader and also appreciate all he has done for them.

His wife who has been waiting patiently for him in the royal dinning walked up to him.

"What's wrong?" She asked grimming at him.

" Nothing, just thinking about my subjects " The king who was a bit staggered said.

His wife manged to sweet talk him to come have dinner with her. They had a pleasant dinner but that doesn't subside King Lucky worries.

At fortnight king Lucky is till awake thinking about his people. ' my people doesn't appreciate any thing I have done for them, they keep demanding, some believe that I'm squandering the kingdom money, I've paid off the debt borrowed by the previous King from neighbouring kingdoms. I make sure that goods is at available price, and job are available for the unemployee. Why can't they appreciate everything I have done for them.'

The next day king Lucky summoned his second in command 'Peter' for an advice based on the want of his subjects .

" The people are over demanding and they are being ignorant of all we have done for them, they believe that we are using the public fund to take care of our family." Peter said.

" They are my people and they should always come first in everything that I am doing and beside a king without his subjects is just like a table without its legs, a square table cannot stand without it's leg same as a king, a king is nothing without his subjects." King Lucky said.

" My king I suggest that you call a conference meeting with your subjects, ask them what they really want." Peter advice.

King Lucky was very pleased with Peter suggestions and decided to give it a try.

The public conference meeting was later announced and it will be held in three executive days.


Everyone has gathered, some with boiling spirit while some calm, some are pacing around impatiently waiting for the arrival of king Lucky.

" If he doesn't come out anytime soon we will have no other choice than to leave, after all we have something to do." One of the people said and was immediately supported by others.

The arrival of the king was announced and everywhere became quiet, though not exactly quiet because some are still murmuring.

The people curtized once king Lucky was seating in his royal throne.

" I greet you all people of Nirvana and I am very pleased to see you all. today I gathered you here because I realized that you all, my people, are not happy with me your king, so I called you all here to ask you all to tell me how I have gone wrong so that I will make amend and I promise you all that I will never do it again." King Lucky said.

The whole place became quiet some are confused while some believed that he is saying it because the gods has begin to punish him.

" My king we are very grateful for all you have done for us, your subjects. But I want it to be known to you that the things you have done for us is NOTHING, we all believed that you are here to sweet talk us and made us to like you but it won't work. " One of the people said and which was supported by many except the innocent little children who are just looking around and at the same time confused about what is happening.

King Lucky was very sad by what the subject said and how he was supported, and for the first time ever since he became the king of Nirvana he felt like abdicating. The people are still hyping the brave one who speaks the mind of all when king Lucky cracked his voice and begin to speak.

" I have heard all that you all had said and I promise you all that I will do exactly all that you want.

A woman from the crowd raised up her hand to seek attention to speak. King Lucky permitted her to speak.

" You called yourself a generous and great ambitious King yet your subjects are dying of hunger some are not employed , there's no work opportunity for our youth and due to lack of employment our youth engaged their selves in all sorts of crime such as stealing, and you all that is in charge of power are misleading the power , the tax rated on us is higher than our daily income ". The woman wept as if she is being punished by the royal guards.

The king was touched by the woman's word especially the tax rated on them, ' I haven't being demanding for tax from all this people, and who is behind this' king Lucky said to himself.

" To be honest I am very sorry for all that you all have been passing through, but I promise you all that things will change." King Lucky said still sad

" Nothing will change as far as you are still our leader, you have been promising us heaven and earth even before you were crowned yet none of those promise was fulfilled and today again you are promising us to make everything to be perfect, we are tired of you and your empty promises. " An angry member of Nirvana said.

" WE ARE TIRED OF YOU AND YOUR EMPTY PROMISES, ABDICATE THE THRONE....." The people keeping saying, some started stoning king Lucky some of their spoilt tomatoes.

The guards seeing how their king is being treated immediately activated to action but king Lucky stopped them.

King Lucky left the conference hall with a dagger in his heart(angry and disappointed) . He went to a place known to him since he was a kid, he always goes there when he felt like being secluded from others. He went there alone without any of his guards,

" Oooh the gods of my ancestors, why have you forsaken me in my time, why have the people I love so much turned down on me, why have they rejected me. I have done everything possible to make sure that they all live comfortable in their own land but they all decided to pay me back this way. They want me to abdicate the throne, as always I will abdicate the throne for their happiness, and whatever that comes next shall they take. " The king wept bitterly.

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