her dress code

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Dedicated to all victims and unfair dress codes.


Both; 'why should I?'

(One facing front constantly asking questions, once question is asked rotate, we are side to side. At this time, Desirae will turn and explain the prompt first)

Introduction Starts

Desirae; (Step forward, looks left and right silently for a few seconds) Why should I follow this dress code when boys can't keep their pants on? When their eyes aren't where they're supposed to be? When football players can't keep their hands to themselves?

(Desirae steps back and turns, Piper turns and steps forward, look left and right silently for a few seconds)

Piper; Why should I follow the dress code because boys find shoulders 'hot'? When teachers can't stop looking at stomachs and thighs when they're supposed to be teaching us algebra and history instead?

(Desirae turns forward, Piper steps back but doesn't turn.)

Introduction Ends

Speech Starts

Desirae; Girls are supposed to listen. Keep your skirt below your knees, cover your stomach, stay away from boys, don't draw attention to yourself, do what you're told and go to the office to cover those holes in your jeans. Don't argue with me or you can meet me in detention.

Piper; Women are supposed to work diligently. Stay grateful for what you have, wear those ruby red heels, stay skinny to fit your uniform, listen to your boss because he's not wrong, you are. Stay after work, the boss needs to have a word with you about your weekly hours.

Scene 1

Desirae; (Back now turned and playing as the boss) You will wear what goes with the handbook and not argue. Cover your chest, keep your hair long, wear pearls or you can face the consequences, and you do not want to face them.

Piper; (Facing Desirae, shoulder facing the audience, playing as the worker, sarcastic) I'm sorry sir, I'll get those pearls as soon as I can.

Piper; (Head facing the audience as she 'speaks' to them, breaking the froth wall) Afterall, she only works, for eight dollars an hour. Her chest has been covered, her hair long, her heels as high as they can be. What else could you want from her?

Piper; (Facing Desirae and continues the conversation, less sarcastic) The uniform fits fine and I'll clock in more.

Desirae; (Still playing as Boss) Well, my wife would love to meet you, would you like to come over for dinner?

Piper; Of course! (Turns head to audience, breaking fourth wall) She only says yes because she needs this job. Her children are at home, being raised by someone else while she works for them to stay under a roof at night.

(Desirae and Piper turn forward)

Scene 1 Ends

Desirae; The female works day and night, going home late and leaving at dawn all while her children were born because of rush hour and her fateful decision to take a short cut through the backroads on foot. The Lord knows she can't afford a car with her pay, nor no string of pearls.

Scene 2 Starts

(Desirae turns to the side, Piper steps back and turns to face away, roles are switched. Desirae is a student and Piper is a teacher)

Desirae; But Mr. M, I didn't know you couldn't show any shoulders.

Desirae; (Breaks the fourth wall and looks to the audience) Yes, she did. She knew she couldn't have her shoulders out. She didn't think anyone would mind, let alone the respectable teacher 'Mr. M'.

Desirae; (Turns back) I'll grab a jacket and cover myself, promise.

Piper; No, follow me to the principal's office.

Desirae; (Nods before turning back to break the fourth wall) Every girl knows what that means. She'll go with him or get expelled. And she knows her parents are too busy to notice anything different. Maybe just once, going with him will be something different.

Desirae (Turns back); On my way Mr. M.

(Piper steps back and turns, Desirae turns and steps back and hides behind Piper)

Scene 2 Ends

Personal Experience Scene Starts

Piper (Starts to explain her experience in 1st person); I will not forget when I was dress coded by a teacher, and you make think well he was just looking at everyone, but I was in the hallway alone he told me "Ma'am I need you to pull up your shirt more." It had been pulled up as far as it could and there was no problem before I had always worn the shirt, and I asked him why and he said "cleavage" but I didn't, it had upset me, but I said 'OK' and walked away.

(Piper and Desirae switch places with Desirae in front and Piper facing away behind her)

Desirae (Explains the court case in 3rd person); The Larry Nassar Case. This case is how someone so trusted, (snaps her fingers), can turn and do something so dark. (Pause). He was sentences one hundred and seventy-five years in prison for; Sexually assaulting a minor. Child pornography. And ten accounts of criminal sexual conduct. Although this was after (Snaps) sexually assaulting a minor. After (Snaps) child pornography. And after (Snaps) ten accounts of criminal conduct. Larry Nassar got away with these crimes for twenty years. And all female USA gymnasts trusted this doctor for twenty years.

(Piper and Desirae move so their side to side with each other again, outro starts)

Speech & Personal Experiences Ends

Outro Starts

Desirae; (Step forward) Why should we follow this dress code when boys can't keep their pants on? When their eyes aren't where they're supposed to be? When football, players can't keep their hands to themselves?

Piper; (Step forward) Why should we follow the dress code because boys find shoulders 'hot'? When teachers can't stop looking at stomachs and thighs when they're supposed to be teaching us algebra and history instead?

Both; 'why should we?'

Speech & Outro Ends 

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