What is Age Regression

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AGERE is short for age regression,
It can be defined in a few different forms, a coping mechanism, therapy tactic, or even a fun hobby.

CG: Caregiver or Carer. One who takes the caring/guardian role for a regressor.

Regressor: One who takes upon a childlike mindset or headspace to cope with stress in personal life or for trauma-related issues. Traits of regression vary.

Babysitter: One who is not the main caretaker of a certain regressor. But has a mutual agreement with the regressor to caretake for short periods for varying/depending reasons.

Nonetheless, to be as clear as possible;
Age Regression is 100% non-sexual, and SFW and minor inclusive.
Age regression can NOT be s*xual, and is not restricted to 18+ participants.

It is not part of the BDŠM Community.

AGERE is for those who just want a safe headspace to seek comfort. That is the simplest way to explain it.
This book Is something I wanted to make for myself cause I want it to be fun.

Do not hate on this book if you think this at all relates to Age pl*y or K!nk. Cause it does not.

And if that's what you're looking for here?
Sorry but this just isn't the Book. Bye.

If you have any requests for this book, go ahead and leave them here. It is where I can find them the easiest to review and hopefully write about! 

See yall soon, little ones/caregivers/or friends!

-The Author, Mars.

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