Falling from the Top

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Falling From The Top | Copyright © 2023 by Dhi: All rights reserved.

The moral right of the author has been asserted. This work is published on the condition that it shall not be reproduced or retransmitted in whole or in parts, without the written consent of the author.

This is an entire work of fiction, a product of the author's imagination. It does not intend to offend any sentiments and beliefs, and is solely created for the purpose of entertainment.

Thank you for choosing to read this! 

Hope you will enjoy!


Ever seen an eagle, soaring so high that your neck hurts due to craning? He glides so elegantly and smoothly across the endless blue azure. Wings widespread and head held high, maybe a smirk too, if he had lips instead of that yellow painted beak, as he acknowledges the expertise he owns. Solely. 

Pride he emanates.                                                                                          Perhaps the creature is well aware of the fact that he is at the most desired place-- High.

But in a flash, his wings flutter vigourously, ceasing the smooth flight abruptly and he falls. 

Devastated would be an understatement. 

His soul, accustomed to the high, shatters in shards piercing every inch of him from within. His mind, not able to contain the sudden recession, bursts. And he dies---- a slow, excruciatingly painful death.

Her state was no different.
Her blank stare didn't bother the cheerful raindrops that cascaded down the glass window, drenching it in streaks of bliss. Something that her life lacked. 

Envying the the delight that those mere molecules of liquid possessed, she averted her gaze away. Her eyes fell on the crumpled white mass fisted so ruthlessly that her knuckles turned white.

She let her fingers uncurl, ignoring the rising level of cortisol that made her heartbeats erratic. The white mass, under her cold gaze, took its own time to reveal itself.

The sheer white was stained with sharp, elegant, blue-black cursive letters and streaks of  red. That paper straightaway didn't had any correlation with her future, still had the power to decide it. Ironic much.

She averted her gaze, fixating it at nothingness. Nothingness.                             
That was all that remained.                                                                           She hated the looks of pity on faces that silently envied her achievements, the slightly lessened pride of her teachers, the way her father's expressions changed, the way her mom's smile dimmed. She hated it all. Because, it broke her. Irrepairably.                                                                                                      She felt all the years of sacrifices and hardwork going in vain. Her missing parties, sleep deprived nights, strenous days, stressful  hours spent studying all felt meaningless.   

She felt powerless to an extent where she found the simplest things tiring.  Even breathing.               
To her, breathing felt exhausting, heartbeats a noisy burden.

Bile rose to her throat rapidly, burning her oesophagus all the way along. Her hands moved to her hairs, clutching the silky strands ferociously, venting all that she felt over them. Her lips felt sealed, incompetent of voicing out the screams that reverberated her insides. The turbulent waterfall  pouring from her eyes increased its flow, ferociously washing the last straw of sanity that held her. She was a crying mess.                                                                        
Or a dying mess. Perhaps.                  
An eerie silence prevailed the atmosphere.
A calm before  calamity.

The rain drops that fell to the ground were cautious enough to bother the silence pervading for the have anticipated the storm approaching. In the dimly lit room, her teary eyes glistened for a second before the clouds blocked the only source of light present. 

Rain fastened its pace and sky's growling increased its amplitude whilst a flash was seen, illuminating the dark for a spilt second. In that spilt second, her eyes, hooded with darkness, shone and the quivering lips tugged into a smirk.

Her light brown hairs, now wet from rain, flew with the blowing wind that whoosed past her, desperately trying to convey something.  She looked down. Everything down there seemed vague and insignificant in front of her. A sly smile made its way to her face, unfurling a strange glee in her chest. A strange emotion shrouded her eyes. A destructive one, perhaps.

High is dangerous.
For it detaches you from the ground, from stability, from sanity.                                                  It impels your mind  in an elusive trance, making you insane.

She took a step ahead from the  narrow  parapet, landing  her  foot on  nothing  but air. She  felt the  force  of gravity  act upon  her body, pulling  it down.  Recession,  she despised  it  but  found it to be  the last alternative  available.  

High is like waves of tsunami whose ascending fills you with a maddening pride and receding deprives you of the spark of life.

Suddenly she felt a liquidy warmth engulfing her head and nape. Her eyelids fluttered as she struggled to keep them open. Although her vision was blurred, yet she could see the varying emotions etched over the visages that surrounded her. Some shocked, some perplexed, some concerned while some were neutral. 

A sharp pain rose behind her head. But rather than hurting, it healed her. 

She felt light.             

As if the red fluid oozing out had washed away all the load that she was burdened with.          

Falls, to her, were always disrupting; who took away the sleep from her eyes. But this one lulled her to sleep.
A rather peaceful one.  

 Falls are strange.
 Some set our spirits at fire,
some at peace.

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