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cruel wonderland
a one shot story


          If gods could bleed, what color would it be?

Calyp had never been one to believe in rumours or whatever bullshit people in the street have to say. Especially if the so-called talk of the town centers around a woman in white dress who appears in the lake every midnight.

Now, don't get Calyp wrong. He seriously doesn't believe in any of those bullshit. Not even when Simon ended up in his doorsteps one midnight, sweating with eyes shrieking in fear, talking about a woman appearing near the lake. Not even when Io, an asshole too serious to even know what talks are floating around the town, suddenly talked about seeing a woman near his place. Seriously, Calyp doesn't believe any of them. Not even when Manang Yulia told him to be careful on his way home because of the recent sighting of strange woman. Not even when Mang Jepoy started talking about seeing the said woman in one of his nightly ronda around the town.

But still, Calyp didn't believe any of them — until the said woman is now in front of him.

Calyp found himself frozen, his heart blanched at the sight before him, feeling all the air getting knocked out his chest. The woman, Calyp thinks, is really beautiful. Despite the moon being the only source of light, Calyp found himself mesmerized by the dazzling silver hues kissing her skin and the shadows painting her very being. The woman, Calyp thinks, is breathtaking.

". . Selene?" He whisper, breath shaky and fingers trembling. Was it the cold? The wind? Calyp couldn't tell and he's certain the world is spinning. It have to be. He can feel the dizzying sensation as the familiar face turn to him.

"Oh?" The woman, oh god, is really beautiful, the white dress flowing with her every move. The woman turn to him, look at him in the eyes and the smile tugging her lips almost blind him. "You can see me?"

He paled. Oh fuck, Calyp can feel his breath stuttering as he clenched his fist tightly. What kind of sick joke is this?

" . . Who the fuck are you?" The woman blink, her sharp eyes blinking at him prettily and Calyp almost cave in. Calyp didn't even notice the breath he was holding but damn, whoever in Heaven is  watching him right now must be playing with him.

"I'm Alari," she smiled. "Is something the matter?"

As if on cue, Calyp can feel him snapping back to his senses. Like cold water was poured over his froze frame. Right, he release a breath he was holding as he tried steadying his trembling hands. There's no way she's Selene.

". . . You're bleeding," he pointed out, he didn't even notice it at first glance. Attention poured over her face and features that makes Calyp dizzy. Thank god his nose are quick to pick on this kinds of things. "What are you doing here at the dead of the night. . bleeding?" He squint his eyes, whatever emotion he was feeling earlier vanished into suspicion. ( But it didn't evaporate, it's still there, deep beneath his guts waiting to be felt. )

"Oh," the woman blink, before she look down at her feet as if she's just realizing that she's actually wounded. "I . . I didn't notice," she chuckled, Calyp frowned.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12 ⏰

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