The Party

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Sandy yelled out.

The place they were at was so loud. Biggest party made in town that day.
There was no way Sandy would find Joan. Nor her other band member's, since as soon as they came everyone went their own ways. Lita went to the kitchen, Jackie went to the bathroom.. Joan and Cherie disappeared but when Sandy went to find the others at the places she last saw them at, they were nowhere to be seen.

"Joanie??" "Cherie??!!"

Still nothing.
Sandy panicked a little. Just a tiny bit, knowing Joanie will take care of Cherie if something happens with her health.. again. Cherie became a serious addict but we manage to keep her away from it these day's somehow.

Sandy continued searching around the whole place, she saw Cherie in the corner by herself.

"Cherie?? Cherie!!"

Cherie just looked up at her not saying a word

"Where were you? And where are the others.. wait wasn't Joan with you?"

Cherie finally spoke up.

" I don't know!., I turned my back for a second and Joan was completely gone. I got lost in the crowd so I just decided to stay at this corner. "

" Okay, I got you now. "

A familiar voice yelled from the back

" Where the fuck were you! ?"

It was Joan. She was well. Slightly mad , no. Joan is never really mad. She's seen as a masculine tough rockstar, but in reality she's a total soft face when you get to know her and she'd do anything for Cherie.

Joan took Cherie by the hand completely ignoring Sandy and went to the bathroom

"Joanie what's wrong?"

" Fuck. I was so worried. I thought I wouldn't find you till tomorrow morning. You know how many freaks could do something to you? a-and you know what happened last time you got lost.."

"I'm sorry, you just disappeared. I couldn't find you either. I got lost in the crowd"

Joan took a deep relief breath

"I'm so glad I found you. Hey, how about we end the party here. Let's go home."

" But what about the others? Joanie.. Sandy was also so worried about us. She's gonna be worried about us again and-"

" Shh, I promise we'll find her."

She took her by the hand and they went searching for Sandy. Sandy was just taking drinks so it was easier to find her.

Joan tapped Sandy on the shoulder

"Hey, we're leaving."

" Aight, enjoy the night"

She winked

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