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Jimin facetime'd Yoongi, who picked up immediately.

(Yoongi speaking, thinking)
(Jimin speaking, thinking)

hey bubs, how are you?

i-im okay, other than my p-problem

ahh well it's good you're okay, now would you like me to help you?

o-oh yes please

okay well, would you like me to tell you what to do then leave, so you can have some privacy, or would you like me to tell you along the way?

please could you s-stay,
I don't know what to d-do..

that's okay jimin, I can stay


o-okay, so.. what should I do?

well first make sure your door is locked, then...

turn the water to freezing and have an ice cold shower. Should fix your problem!

god i'm such a pussy...

oh o-okay then?

Jimin did as he was told all while yoongi was on the phone, outside of the shower of course, and just like he had said, jimins problem went away.

Once jimin was dried and back in some soft pajamas, he thanked yoongi and they called for a little longer until yoongi realized that jimin had fallen asleep on call. bless him.

"goodnight jiminie baby" Yoongi whispered and ended the call also deciding it was time for bed.

and with that he went of to dreamland, dreaming only sweet things of jimin.

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