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Why hello reader! I'm Honoured you've chosen to check out my book!
I've never actually written a fanfic before 😰 but I've read plenty! If you've read the description you should kinda have an idea of what it's about!
In this story I will be using y/n and they/them pronouns I Wanna be inclusive as possible!
And of course this section in every Wattpad book that never has a name!
Y/n = your name
F/c = your favourite colour
F/f= your favourite food! (I love food.)
H/c=your hair colour!
E/c = your eye colour
And I think that's all of them? If there's any more I'll add them in the chapter well that's all I'll be writing soon!
(123 words)

To be or not to be?  Tommy innit x reader (royal au)Where stories live. Discover now