The Battle Of The Bulge

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Big Al, the elephant with red eyes, was playing football with the rest of University of San Andreas' football team against the University of Aster City Beasts. Big Al's football uniform was completely pink. Big Al tackled five opposing players at once with his large, eight thousand pound frame.

"Why is my son wearing pink? He's not supposed to be a sissy!" Dean Watson, the two to three feet tall rubberhose mouse, shouts while arriving late.

Big Al says, "But daddy, you put my red shirt and white pants in the same washing cycle. That's why my clothes are pink."

"You are saying, I did this!?!" Dean shouts.

"N-No, daddy! That's not what I meant!" Big Al shouts.

Dean is upset.

Big Al begins drinking a yellow sports drink.

Big Al quietly says to himself, "ᴵ ʲᵘˢᵗ ʷᶦˢʰ ʸᵒᵘ ʷᵉʳᵉⁿ'ᵗ ˢᵒ ˡᵃᶻʸ."

Dean hits him. Big Al turns away from the hit. Dean gives him a wedgie, Big Al spills his yellow sports drink down his own crotch as it's revealed that Big Al's underwear was also colored pink. Everyone at the stadium begins laughing. Old Man Thorn watches this.

After the game...

Dean is manspreading on a bench.

"Daddy, can I sit too?" Big Al asks.

Dean says, "Well Chubby, maybe if you weren't a fatass you'd be able to sit even when I'm getting enough room for my big dick."

Big Al decides to sit on the grass in front of the bench.

Big Al responds, "I understand, daddy."

Big Al kisses the tops of Dean's feet to make him less upset by showing submissiveness. Old Man Thorn sees this.

Doctor Anomaly hands Old Man Thorn underwear and says, "Shrink that guy's dick."

Old Man Thorn approaches Dean and says, "I bet my dick is bigger than yours."

"Alright, see you tomorrow. Small dick!" Dean shouts before leaving with Big Al following him.

Later in the day...

There's a knock on the door. Dean opens it and it's a package. The package is labeled from a 'Sweepstake', Dean opens the package. Inside the package is a pair of cotton white briefs. Dean saves the cotton white briefs for tomorrow's outfit and heads to bed. Old Man Thorn is in the background.

The next day...

Dean Watson heads to The Dragon's Dojo.

"I've been waiting for you," Old Man Thorn says.

"I've been waiting to humiliate you," Dean says.

Old Man Thorn takes off his white pants as we see between his legs from behind, we get a visual treat of his butt in white cotton briefs. Old Man Thorn shows his dick. Dean takes off his pants as we see between his legs from behind, we get a visual treat of his butt in white cotton briefs. Dean was sure he had a six inch dick as he compares dicks with Old Man Thorn.

Dean's cock wasn't just getting shorter. It was legitimately shrinking.

Just how many inches had he lost already? Dean's mind was racing. He had to know for sure. What if he was as small as Old Man Thorn now? What if...he was even smaller?

Old Man Thorn was grinning from ear to ear and staring giddily at Dean's reduced dick.

Dean's cock shuddered as he felt Old Man Thorn's balls pressing against his own. Dean's whole body trembled in anticipation. Old Man Thorn could feel Dean' cock lurched and shuddering excitedly beneath his own. The sensation was maddening, but even more amazing was the sense of power that came with it, now Old Man Thorn had the bigger dick. Even if his dick still was a perfectly normal six inches, just feeling Dean's dwindling cock shuddering under his own bigger, thicker dick was getting him close to cumming.

"Do you like this? You must since you are so hard. By the way, what does the winner get?" Old Man Thorn asks.

Dean merely nodded weakly. His face had turned three shades redder. Old Man Thorn had to admit that it was surprisingly cute. He knew he needed to make Dean blush even more.

Old Man Thorn could feel Dean's dick trembling beneath his own. It had no doubt shrunken even further.

Soon Dean would no longer even be able to pass as average. He'd have what could only be called a small cock.

Dean says, "If I win, I get your dojo. What do you want?"

Old Man Thorn says, "I want you to treat your child well and for you to dress like a sissy whenever you come into this dojo."

"I accept," Dean says.

"I feel your dick shrinking. Do you feel it too?" Old Man Thorn asks.

His cock was trembling with the desire to cum. Pre was flowing freely from his dwindling cock.

"You are already smaller and getting smaller still," Old Man Thorn teased.

Dean knew it was true. He could feel Old Man Thorn's dick getting larger by the second. The rat's bigger dick was now pressing down heavily against his own. His entire cock was buried under the longer, thicker, heavier shaft of his opponent's perfectly normal dick.

Old Man Thorn had to stop himself from cackling like a madman upon hearing the pitiful, pleading whimper from his opponent.

He could see it clear as day. Dean's dick was still shrinking. Still shortening. Still thinning. Still dwindling.

"Four inches!" Old Man Thorn shouted triumphantly.

Dean gasped. He had never dreamed it would shrink so much. He had thought he'd maybe close in on five, just enough to be smaller than Old Man Thorn, but four inches? That was crazy! That was terrifying! That was...exciting. Dean's dick gave a hard lurch of arousal.

"Three inches! So tiny," Old Man Thorn shouted excitedly. Old Man Thorn was almost cackling at this point.

Dean glanced down at his now even smaller cock and chuckled silently to himself. It really was pathetic.

Old Man Thorn says, "Take off the underwear and this will stop. It might even go back to normal."

Dean takes off the white cotton briefs.

Old Man Thorn rubs his dick against him and says, "You are so tiny."

Dean pressed his tiny little nub against Old Man Thorn's comparatively massive dick.

The Battle Of The BulgeWhere stories live. Discover now