one of a kind

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This is the second time that I will write something about someone. I can't think of anything that I can give to her so I decided to create this piece.

So where to start? I really don't know where to start. Well, we started as strangers. I was looking for good stories and it lead me to one of her works. It was actually good and I just suddenly felt sad for it. But then I messaged her and told her that 'she got a nice story'. I was communicating with her in English language that she thought that I only speak in English because she also replied to me in English way. Funny thing when I talk to her in Tagalog. Haha I think she didn't see that coming ;)

She's one of those people who got curious about what am I. She's really one of a kind, I could tell. Very persistent, she thought of giving up and doing this conscience thingy to me but it doesn't affect me. I may be hard on her but it's part of my identity which is to be UNKNOWN by everyone. I just found out that she kept on thinking about it every night? I don't know if she just telling it to me because it's one of her tactics for me to give in. haha but it has no use. I really felt sorry about it but it has to be that way.

She's sweet, kind, caring and I find her cute in her simple ways. I like how she talks to me even when she thinks she's kind of annoying sometimes but that's okay with me. I think it's been a part of me to talk to her. It's been for the past months now. It's like our daily routine that we talk to each other on weekdays, I must admit, I sort of missed her when she don't reply to any of my messages.

She's very supportive I can tell because she always read and like/vote my new posted works. She even comment to it sometimes and I really appreciate it, a lot. If she could only knew how happy it makes me when she do that even the other people who likes and reads my works. I never thought that there would be still someone who will read my crappy works. I really appreciate it, really... so thanks.

One time we had a fight? I don't know if that was a fight, ahhh I know... it's just a misunderstanding. I don't know what to do and her friend told me that she's about to cry or crying already. I don't know but all I can think about is...why is she even crying over someone she barely knew? But I guess she also treasure our friendship that has been established that much, I guess? She even wrote about 5 or more pages of "sized short bond" papers saying her sorry to me. I was touched really and not just touched...I've been moved by it. I said to myself, she doesn't deserve to be treated coldly. I'm not that mad at her, I'm just not in my senses that time. I got a lot of things in my mind back then. She even asked me using one line in her story that I'm reading too: "pwede bang magpanggap kang okay tayo kahit ngayong araw lang. Last na 'to" –Nathan (modified version of her). And I said I'm not that mad at her at all.  I said 'you're just over thinking about it' but she said, "I know and I can feel it that something has changed between us." I really don't know how will I talk to her that time but time goes by and we're back to what we used to be, I think? She was so dramatic back then that we could write a story out of it.

She's a very thoughtful girl because she even asked me last month if I remember anything about that specific day. She said that was the time when we first talk to each other. And today is another special day for us because she even sent me something in my email and I really appreciate it so in return, I think this is the only thing I can do for her?

To my psyche,

                I guess you got shocked when I call you again by this name. I wanted to say 3 things to you.

1st is my sorry to you, for I've been so hard to you even before until now. I'm so sorry about it. But sometimes, I just can't resist you as well. I don't know what are you doing to me, I really don't know but I miss you every time I don't see your name bolded in my inbox, it means you don't have any message for me and I just find myself unhappy about it and do refresh just to check if you messaged me or what and when you do, I think it also made my day. and for that... Thank you... thank you is the 2nd thing I wanted to say to you. Thank you for everything you did for me and for the support you're giving me. Thank you for still talking to me and making me smile every day. thank you for your "pusong mamon" kasi hindi mo ako matiis. ;) thanks for that. 3rd thing would be... hmmm... I can't think of anything but....

You will always be my psyche, no one will ever replace you to be called my psyche. That's how much you mean to me. I will wait for you to be back after 10 or more years as you always say. Always take care and always remember that, okay? Study well. I might be needing you in the future to check my heart or something because you will be my personal doctor, I hope? Haha. I'm getting cheesy and it's not my thing. So I'll just end it here. Please don't cry over this crap. Smile always... when you smile, I smile. :)

Yours forever,


***to all readers who saw this piece, I would like you to check out her stories as well, she's a great writer and this is my only way to help her as well. So please? follow and read her stories :) thanks a lot.  

Happy 2nd month. 5|7|2015

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