Take 1, Uncut, Straight From The Dome And Heart

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[The entirety will be in text message format]

M: I guess you could say my brother is the other woman

FWU: Whoa okay wasn't expecting that one

M: I've been trying to figure this out for about two years now, and it makes sense. My feelings and perspective have been confuzzled

FWU: Did you just use "confuzzled?"

M: Yes. Can we focus?

FWU: Of course, sorry, I'm just making jokes because your brother being considered "the other woman" is a little absurd. I mean he's not...gay is it?👀

M: Clearly if you look at the past I was already "in a committed relationship" with him and he got closer to my brother through me. Apparently he preferred him over me, thus him choosing him over me ultimately. Starting with wanting to hang out with my brother instead of me apparently,, especially when I was CLEARLY free. That's what happens right? When a man finds a woman he loves more he starts to spend more time with her over his wife

FWU: I-I think that's with women too, not just men...

M: I guess ultimately I feel the betrayal; my brother would be like...the best friend your husband cheated on you with. I-I mean I set boundaries, before it even got to that point, and he neglected them and then ended up choosing him over his own sister too.

FWU: How so?

M: Like, why must he be in my relationship/friendship? You're my "best friend." Clearly you know how much this friendship means to me

FWU: Now when you say "husband/wife" do you mean this in a literal sense or-

M: No clearly I'm using an analogy🤨

FWU: Right I'm sorry. Please continue.

M: So I really wasn't "enough?"🙄 What did my brother have that I didn't have? My "best friend" stole my "husband" from me. My little brother stole my bestfriend away from me. How f*cked up is that? And then they run into the sunset on horseback with a new, flourishing relationship. And my "best friend" still expects me to be "best friends" with her after that??! That crusty skank wants to have her cake and eat it too!

FWU: Yeah you already know what the both of us are thinking: If this is your "husband," should you not be relieved that you saw his true colors and that you don't deserve to be with someone who doesn't put you first or chooses some...w-what was it you said?🤔 "Crusty skank" over you?

M: Hm? This isn't about my ex bestfriend. This is about my little brother!

FWU: W-Wait...really?!😧

M: Have you not been paying attention?

FWU: I'm still tryna figure out if your brother is gay or not...

M: Listen...I'm in a "boyfriend cheats on me with best friend" type situation here, and it's my first time really delving into it like this. I have to reevaluate my perspective and feelings on this situation, and take it more seriously. I never thought I'd have to go through this and it turns out I've been living in it for the past two years without even knowing it.

FWU: So what you're saying is.....you're just now finding out it's your brother that's still hurting you, not your ex bestfriend

M: Precisely.

FWU: So what? Are you gonna have to cut your brother out of your life too?

M: Well me and my brother already kind of have an "imperfect relationship," but basically, he (like always, like everyone else in the world) has a choice. He's always making a point about "how we control everything that happens to us," or something along the lines of that🙄 Regardless of how he phrased those words, he'll have to face the repercussions of his choices....and maybe even lose his big sister in the process😒

FWU: Hm. It seems you've come to some sort of resolve.

M: Listening to music, crying, and writing usually helps me figure things out🥰

FWU: Do you feel better? *smiles and closes binder*

M: I feel....understood😄

FWU: Of course😂 Are you okay with losing your relationship with your brother?

M: I'm okay with doing what I have to for my mental health and peace.

FWU: That's actually not a bad answer😁 But are not gonna talk about your intense romantical feelings for your ex bestfriend?

M: ....

M: What intense romantical feelings?

Who (Pt. 2)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora