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"Fuc..k you.. ,fuck ,f..uck yo..u "... it pounded the man's chest within every syllable that left it's parched lips.

"I hate you so fucking much" ,it gasped  begging for even a wisp of air to enter its own neglected lungs ,

"But your all I have"... ,it heaved ,sobbing ,wracking it's tiny frame ,

"Your all I fucking have "...  it whispered brokenly as it  sunk to the floor, knees giving away, gravity slowly gripping it whole, whilst it's hands made wild feverish grabs sinking into the lavish material of a soft , silken shirt

It weeped and bawled for what seemed like hours ,clinging on too the same very person that had hurt him . Until  it finally gave in to the sweet whispers of promised serenity.
Swept into the land of Morpheus.

It's  mind felt heavy, filled with destructive thoughts. It's body numb.
'Pressure ', it  chuckled,  oh what a fickle thing ..when faced with an object it could cause something to snap or perhaps bend. As long as it followed the rules of science.
But when paired with a human mind .there could be no science applied, every issue was different,every problem,trigger,every mind,was different truly and utterly unpredictable
Yet There really was only one frequent outcome .

It lived a hard life, yes a hard life it had lived .

It became insane. With long intervals of horrible sanity.

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