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War is upon us. I can smell it. If not for the black dirt and grit, heaving it's way into my lungs, then the blood of the lifeless Yeigar Messenger sending the metallic scent through my nose. 

Only lies are present. Lies are all we have left.

The Yeigar made no move to challenge me when I ended him. He died quick at my hand. He didn't fuss, squirm, or even scream. My cut was swift and clean through the heart. For a Yeigar that is quite a surprise.

On my left is a quiet lake where I choose to bury the messenger. It's convenient because I can also wash the red tinted blood from my skin. I have a long, rough history of returning home without washing.

Deeming myself clean enough, I search the Yeigars' bag for the purpose of his arrival. I feel the crumpled piece of paper before I see it, and slowly, slowly, I remove it from the hidden pocket sewn into every Yeigars' carrier bag. My eyes widen at the ink written down. This is bad. This is very bad. My hands shake for the first time in 8 years. No one can see this letter. 

I tare it to shreds and throw it in the lake with it's master soon following. The Yeigar did clearly had not worked out for his weight. The messengers' mount should be back on it's side of the border by now to reveal to his kingdom just how vicious and evil we are. Soon enough the battalions will arrive at our doorstep and an endless amount of blood will be shed.

Still, they cannot know of this letter. My people will fall at their doorsteps and slay themselves, doing the Yeigars work for them. If anyone in Samu finds out I will face the eternal consequence. My punishment for all that I've done in my life.

Have I killed? Have I tortured? Have I lied? I've done it all in my days, and so much worse.

DY's track - a Kim Doyoung (NCT) fantasy AUWhere stories live. Discover now