Valentine's Day

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Here it was. The day Snow had been dreading for weeks. Valentine's Day. Snow had been alone since her and her ex-boyfriend, Chip, broke up when she left for New York. She was reluctant to look at how many months it had been since she even went on a date with someone. Most of the time she was okay with being alone and she enjoyed solitude, but on certain days like this one, she felt the loneliness hit her. She even contemplated calling Chip, just to see how he was doing, maybe see if he was any luckier than her in love.

Snow went to her typical classes that day, her mood dropping as she saw everyone on campus exchanging chocolates and cards. Everyone receiving gifts while their partner has the hugest smile on their face. At least her classes were over for the day. Now she planned on heading to her dorm and binge-watching Netflix shows for the rest of the day. As she was sulking, heading to her dorm, she received a call from Bronson.

"Hey Snow!" He shouted into the phone.

"Hey Bronson, what's up?" She asked. 

"What do you mean what's up? It's Valentine's Day! I'm sure you have big plans for today!" Bronson said. Snow felt her heart drop a little bit, she didn't know why it hurt even more when it was Bronson that reminded her that she didn't have anyone. 

"No, no. I don't have any plans." She slightly giggled into the phone trying to be casual. 

"What do you mean you don't have plans? Nobody asked you out or anything?" Bronson asked.

"No, nobody asked me out. It's okay, I'm fine with it, I'm excited to spend some time by myself."

Bronson on the other side of the phone felt his heart break a little bit. He had hoped she hadn't had plans for Valentine's Day because that could mean a relationship, which would crush him. He still wasn't as happy as he thought he would be when he actually heard she didn't have any plans. Especially when he could hear the pain in her voice. 

"Listen. Maybe we could do something. I don't have any plans either and it could be fun! We can make fun of all the other couples that we see and laugh at how cheesy they are." Bronson laughed.

Snow felt her cheeks get hot. At first she was flattered by his offer, but the more she thought about it, she felt as though he was pitying her. She felt offended and didn't want anyone's sympathy. 

"Listen, I don't even know you barely, we're just friends. I know you probably see me as this poor, lonely, shy girl, but I don't need your sympathy and I would appreciate you not patronizing me." Snow hung up. 

Bronson looked down at the hung up phone. He hadn't meant to offend her, he never knew how to get to her. No matter how hard he tried, it seemed like Snow was always pushing him away. 

'Maybe I should just give her space. She clearly doesn't want to see me.' Bronson walked sadly back to his dorm.

Snow finally arrived back into her room and threw her backpack onto the chair. She knew her roommate, Ella, wouldn't be back tonight. She had big plans with her boyfriend, Pascal, and drove back home for the night to spend time with him. Snow stared at the TV blankly. She knew she had plans to sit in and watch Netflix, but she couldn't help and feel bad for the way she treated Bronson. He was trying to help her, and this would have been the perfect opportunity to get closer to him. She hit herself in the head as she turned on the TV. 

'Maybe I should just go say sorry to him. Maybe I could call him? Would he even answer after I was so rude to him?' She contemplated what to do in her mind for about an hour until she turned the TV off and grabbed her keys. She was going to apologize to him. She opened the door and almost screamed as she saw a person at the front door. 

There was Bronson holding flowers and pizza. He looked just as frightened as she was. 

"Sorry. I was just about to knock, but my hands were full and I was trying to hype myself up to do it." Bronson nervously chuckled. 

Snow's heart melted. Why was he always so nice to her no matter what she did to him? 

"Look, I know we don't know each other very well, but I'm still worried about you. No one deserves to be alone." Bronson said. 

Snow could see how nervous he was and instantly took him into a close embrace. She started crying into his shoulder as he embraced her back the best he could despite him carrying things. She invited him inside and they spent the rest of the night chowing down on pizza and watching Netflix shows together. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2022 ⏰

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