Fun and Games

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The lab, where the "magic" happened, as my brothers said. It was where I spent the vast majority of my time, it was my safe space where I could get my work done in peace. It wasn't just any lab, it was my lab. No one else went into it, no one else used its supplies, and no one else bothered me while I was in there. Even Mikey knew not to bother me while I was in there, for the most part. If he did, I'd just tell him which chemicals I could use to explode him and pull out the vials, even when they couldn't actually do the things I claimed they could. He understood simple threats, not the fact that sodium and chlorine make sodium chloride, or salt, and would be relatively harmless when used correctly. The lab was the place I was meant to be, the place I was born to inhabit. And yet, it was starting to feel more and more foreign, but at the same time, more and more mundane. It was like the same thing over and over, but becoming less attached to me. It was like it wasn't mine anymore. My inventions were in their proper places, sure, and everything was left exactly how I preferred it, but it felt... wrong... somehow. I looked at my tools and all I saw was more pressure, not endless possibilities and wonder like I used to. I saw my inventions as just another thing to do, another thing to make for my family, rather than the one creative outlet I had that made me useful while also making me happy.

Why was it so difficult to come up with ideas now? I had blueprints everywhere, it wouldn't be too much trouble to just pull one off of the wall and start building. That's all I was good for, after all. I just couldn't bring myself to make anything, though, and all I did was try my best to focus on the research I was doing on my computer. My brothers were making too much noise for focus, it was loud and obnoxious, distracting me from any proper understanding of the materials in front of me. I put my head down on my desk and sighed through my teeth, a small whistling sound seeping through the gap in my teeth. I hadn't slept enough maybe? If I felt this exhausted, it might've been from sleep deprivation, so I got up and walked into the room where my brothers were. I didn't have to smile to them, they weren't used to me smiling a lot anyways. All I needed to do was let a little inquisitive look force its way onto my face, making it seem I was interested in what was going on, and walk towards them with my head tilted a bit.

"What's going on, guys?" My voice stuck out amongst their voices. It was much different from their voices, it didn't sound like it even belonged.

"Dude, you're never gonna believe this!" Mikey was jumping up and down.

"Really?" I remarked sarcastically.

"Mikey, I swear to God if you say it I'm gonna beat you to a pulp!" Raph had a threatening tone, which didn't seem to bother my younger brother.

"Leo and I caught Raph singing Disney songs!" the laughter echoed around the room, it was almost too much for me.

"We only now have music, is it so bad for me to enjoy something?!" Raph pulled out his twin sai and gripped the handles aggressively.

"No, of course not! I completely understand." Leo smiled at Raph.

"Ah, finally, thank yo-"

"I understand that you're a pretty little princess, don't you worry your cute little head!" Leo chuckled a bit. Even he could be strange at times, and I almost wasn't the least bit surprised that my day was being spent listening to them argue about the dumbest thing.

"Oh, really?! You're so dead!" Raph charged at them like an angry rhinoceros while the two scampered off, giggling like children. I couldn't help but facepalm, but before I could realize it, Raph had already begun to go after me. "You didn't think you could get away either, huh?!" He grabbed me in a chokehold and lifted me off of my feet, putting me at an awkward, somewhat painful angle. It was a good thing I'd worked on flexibility, or I might've been in more pain.

"What did I do?!" I struggled to get out of his grip, but it was useless. I was the weakest of my family, even my little brother was stronger than me, and he didn't even have to try. I was always trying my hardest, but I was still so weak.

"Admit it, you were going to laugh at me!"

"No, I wasn't!"

"You liar!" He pulled my arms back, tensing my shoulders and gripping my wrists tightly.

"Ow!" I choked out a small remark of pain, I could feel my bones creaking.

"Quit being a baby, Donnie! You wouldn't wanna look this helpless in front of Aprilllll~" he knew how much more embarrassing it was for me now that he was pointing out how much of a loser I was. "C'mon, fight back! What's the matter? Does baby Donnie want a nap? Awwww!" His mocking tone was like poison, bitter and sickening, as he cradled me in his arms tightly as if I were an infant. It was still tight, and I still couldn't fight my way out.

"Raph, I think that's enough for now." I didn't even notice how my other two brothers had been laughing at me the entire time.

"No, just a little more!" Raph was smiling. He grabbed the milk carton and poured it into one of the baby bottles Sensei kept around from when we were little, then pried my mouth open and forced the bottle in.

"Awwww, I think he was just fussy because he was hungryyyyy!" Mikey wasn't helping me, but instead just joining in the "fun". He squeezed the bottle to force the milk down my throat and I couldn't do anything but drink it to keep from drowning while I struggled to get myself free. It was spoiled, no one realized except me because I could taste how sour and disgusting it was. I hated it. Raph kept "feeding" me while Mikey pulled out his t-phone to take a picture of it. I tried to hide my face or escape, but it was useless since Raph had a death grip on me. When the milk was gone and the photo was taken, I was finally let go.

"Ha ha ha, very funny." I smiled angrily and let more venom edge into my tone. "You know what? You guys can make your own inventions in your own labs until you apologize! Oh wait, I almost forgot! You don't have supplies, or labs, or ideas. Oops!" I faked a giggle and shut myself into my room. I felt sick, but not just from the milk. I was trying to hold back tears, I wasn't a baby. Why did they feel the need to treat me like a toy or something? Would I really let them go without my inventions? They couldn't survive without me, though... I guess I'd just have to hope they'd apologize soon or something, even if it wasn't sincere.

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