The Story

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DTLegendz-XD: Welcome to my Scratch sprite shop! How can I help you?

Joy: I want one of those magical Unicorn horns.

DTLegendz-XD: That would be ¥299

Joy gives DTLegendz-XD ¥299.

DTLegendz-XD: Here's your magical Unicorn horn.

Joy: Thanks!

DTLegendz-XD: Your welcome

At Joy's house

Joy: I'm gonna put this magical Unicorn horn on my forehead

Joy puts her magical Unicorn head on her forehead

Joy: Wow, I look so cute!

Meep: I know that you do~

Chu-chan: Me too!

Joy: Thank you to-

Joy grows a Unicorn tail

Joy: Um... WHAT IS THIS!?

Meep: That's a Unicorn tail, now let's get out of here before it gets even more worse!

Chu-chan: Ok, Meep!

Chu-chan and Meep quickly got out of Joy's house while Joy grows Unicorn ears

Joy: あああああああああああああああ

Joy grew Unicorn legs at the bottom of her body and her arms turned into Unicorn legs.

Joy: M-Make it stop!!!!!!!!!!

Joy's body turned into a Unicorn body and her head turned into a Unicorn head. Chu-chan went back inside Joy's house to stare at her.


Chu-chan shrieks when Joy's posture changed into a Unicorn's posture.

Joy: I-I became a Unicorn!

Bubble-chan and Puff-chan went inside Joy's Bedroom by dropkicking the window.

Bubble-chan: Yay, Unicorn!

Puff-chan: I wanna ride, I wanna ride too!


When Bubble-chan and Puff-chan hopped on Joy's back, she freaks out, smashes her bedroom's furniture with her Unicorn head, and runs over her bedroom.

Bubble-chan: Yay, this is the best day of 2022, yay!!!

Puff-chan: I know that I can make this even more better with my fairy wand!

Puff-chan's wand turned Joy's bedroom even more cuter.

Bubble-chan and Puff-chan: YAY!!!!!

The end

Joy becomes a kawaii UnicornWhere stories live. Discover now