Page 1;Chapter1

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"Ugh,Really? A storm right now?"Mao Mao groaned quietly, as he was about to head off for his midnight patrol, he grabs an umbrella then returns to the door, he makes sure that he opens the door as quietly as he can making sure he wont wake up badgerclops and adorabat from their slumber, even though both of them are out cold, Mao opens his umbrella and steps outside, the moist air hits his face, he stops for a moment breathing in he sighs and, returns to walking to the town, he had to make sure the town was completely safe from pinkies antics , after checking on pinkie to make sure that the town was safe and the other sweetiepies were asleep, he walked around the border of the town which took about an hour and a half , this routine wasn't always the case just recently, lately he had been feeling off, of course this weakness needed to pushed away with some extra training, today was stressful anyways, the sky pirates attacked two times today then two monsters started attacking each other then fought mao mao badgerclops and adorabat but that was nothing for Mao Mao...Right? Mao Mao stopped at an small lake, the trees above acted as a umbrella so the ground here was dry he laid next to the lake listening to rushing water, he always found this part of pure heart relaxing,

He sprang up, his face full of panic, he looked around the sun was up already, he snatched the umbrella and ran back to the house, maybe if he got there soon enough they would still be asleep, Mao Mao had always told adorabat that a hero shouldn't head out with out telling someone, Mainly he didnt want her to get lost or for the sky pirates to take her , and badgerclops would probably his thoughts stoped but his running didnt, Mao Mao didnt know what badgerclops reaction to him heading out would be so Mao Mao came up the solution that he wouldn't notice He was gone, finally Mao Mao got back to the house, he opened the door quickly and as quietly as he could, there he saw badgerclops, looking around visually panicked,"badgerclops what-"he was cut off by badgerclops hugging him tightly "Mao Mao!Where were you?!"Badgerclops basically yelled into Mao Maos ear, it took Mao Mao a minute to process what just happened, he finally realized that badgerclops was hugging him "Get off me!"Mao Mao Scowled he pushed him away "But dude where were you??!" Badgerclops questioned Mao Mao "that's none of your business. "Mao Mao crossed his arms "Now move, do you want breakfast or not?" Mao Mao questioned badgerclops "that sounds amazing,but I needa know what going on man!"Badgerclops spread out his arms stopping Mao Mao from continuing to the kitchen "seriously, It. Is. Nothing."mao mao tilts his head upward to badgerclops face, badgerclops is looking at Mao Mao with worry in his eyes , seeing badgerclops like this hurts him for some reason ,"Fine.. I was out on patrol,"Mao mao looks away as if he's about to get yelled at but that never comes "when did you even head out??" Badgerclops questions mao mao in a soft voice "..."mao mao looks as if his about to speak but nothing comes out "midnight."mao mao finally said"Did you even sleep at all last night?!"Badgerclops asked "Badgerclops, I've answered your questions now let me go," badgerclops reluctantly shimmys to the side, mao mao looks at the clock in the living room '5:55' mao mao stops for a moment "3 hours" he answered loud enough just for badgerclops to hear, and then continued to the kitchen and cooked some eggs and bacon for badgerclops and adorabat and brewed a dark coffee for himself, and went straight to the dojo to start training.

"Mao Mao!"A childish voice calls out, "yes adorabat?!" Mao mao yells from the dojo "come here!" Adorabat yells from presumably the kitchen, Mao Mao exits the dojo and heads to the kitchen, there he finds adorabat on the floor coloring a picture, "What is it adorabat?"Mao Mao asks "look at this !" Adorabat shows Mao Mao a picture of her Mao Mao and badgerclops holding hands "is this for me?" Mao Mao asks "Yeah!"adorabat yells, "ah, well thank you "he Pat's adorabats head and takes the paper, he walks over to his office and places the picture in the drawer with the rest of the other pictures adorabat drew for him,he closes the drawer to the desk and leaves, Mao Mao looks up at a clock 8:00 adorabat needs to brought to school today "Adorabat!" "YES!?"she yells back "ARE YOU READY FOR SCHOOL?!"mao Mao yells "Yeah!"adorabat is now in front of Mao Mao ready, "let's go," mao mao shortly drives adorabat to school and heads back home

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