✰ W E L C O M E ✰

18 1 0


Hey everyone!

For my creative writing class I was tasked with filling up an entire notebook. So, I decided to write a fanfiction (of course). As I write this story for my class, I will also be writing it for you. This means, however, that I will not be making many edits or changes to my first copy (my school notebook). So, please keep in mind that this may not be very good and there will be lots of errors.

Also, I will not be writing smut in my notebook because my teacher will be reading this, however, I may sneak in some stuff for you guys. I will make a list of kinks when I get to parts that may need it.

Chapter updates will depend on how much class time and time out of class that will be given to this.

Thank you for giving this a shot! I love you <3



- Depression

- Anxiety

- Drug abuse

- Alcohol

- Sexual Content

- Will make a list for this later

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