Time Traveler? Part 1

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Kind: angst to fluff
Karl angst UWU
Okay its just Sapity finding out Karl is a time traveler in a more dramatic way
Probably need a part two
-passing out
-kinda ed (you will understand at the end)
-being stupid 😑 (is that even a warning)
This was all before the fight and misunderstanding

So have fun


Karl POV but 3rd person

Again... Karl traveled back in time and came back stabbed! How is this always happening. Karl groaned that is a hug wound. Perfect he just got new bandages with the hope to never use them. But he has to patch and clean himself up. If not Quackity and Sapnap are going to get a heart attack.

Karls hair was a complit mess and had sticks and leafs in it. His shose and pants are covered in mud which are just the smallest problems. He has many scretch wounds on his face and like already said a huge deep wound in the middle of his stomach with some not so deep but also stab wounds around. And you can see many old scars which doesnt really change anything because he is still bleeding his gut out. Even if he cant die cause suprise immortal and everything. It still doesnt mean it hurts and the point that he started to feel dizzy made it even worse. He still have to go home its already close to 2am(its really 2am by me right now)
Sapnap is still pissed from last time he had to go on a travel without telling. And Quackity is just worried and kinda pissed too that he is just missing for a week or so and then comes back like he just was getting food or something. But what is he suposed to say because he cant just be like 'Hey! I am a time traveler and immortal. I travel in time to change the shitty future we have and like every time i am getting killed. And i was to scared to tell you because it could happen that its negative for the future or you would leave me or tell everyone.' Great that is definatly not the way he would tell them if he have to hopefully not.(thats not how it works jacobs sorry but no)

After he fixed himself so he doesn't  look like he just went through hell and back. But you still see a few scretches and now aswell dark bags under his eyes because he hadnt slept for like 3 or 4 days. Healthe no but he doesnt care kinda used to it. But what he does care about is the feeling to pass out any second that is just getting worse because of the blood lost. What still hadnt stopped and he could already feel the blood sipping trough the bandages.

So Karl started to leave his libery. But really slowly with one hand on the wall and the other one putting as much pressur as able to bring up on his stomach wound. His legs were shaking and had like zero strenght in them. He could just hope that he is not going to pass out in his libery because Quackity and Sapnap always look there first after him dayly. Which is why if he is just working and not on a travel but have to go on one soon he is in his hidden room. So he should have just stay in this room but no. Because he was now gone for close to two weeks and he has to go home to eat and look if his fiances are okay even if he would end up in an argument with Sapnap that was the last he cared about, right? Doesnt matter he just have to make it home even if he sleeps on the couch or in the bathroom or-
Wait is that rain. As Karl came closer to the door he started to hear water dropping but just stronger. Okay its definatly rainning out side. Perfect thought Karl ironac. It was the exact opposite the bandages while get even more wet so the blood is going to get through. But ofcourse to stay inside the libery wait until the rain is over and change the bandages isn't even an option. Going outside the rain with the risk to pass out and to get a cold is the best idee someone could make.(okay end with the ironac)

So Karl walkes out the door and feels his clouthes already getting wet and now he has to go for like an half hour through the rain without being able to hold on anything while being on the edge of passing out. So he started to slowly moving forward trying not to fall with one before him because of the darkness just to be save and the other one still one his stomach but know the blood started to show again. As he continues to walk he started to feel more and more dizzy. He then started to go to a near tree to gain his balance. In the side of his eye he saw someone walking in my way but he didn't care as he still tried to reach the tree. But before he could he colapsed  on the ground and he started to hear a voice or two in the background and then footsteps that are getting more and more louder. Before everythink went black.

?○₩₩¥ POV 1st person

I have to admit he was right this time just this time a walk in the rain is great. I doesnt matter if we get wet we have fun and that is the most important. As we walked along the path I saw someone in the side and stopped. I turned my head to the side and saw a person stumbling around. Wt- "Hey, what's wrong. Why did you stopped?" I kinda ignored him and started to walk over to the person him following me. "Hey Tubbo. Isnt that Karl?" I asked Tubbo showing in the way we are going now the person is going more trying to go to a nearby tree. Tubbo looked in the way. "Yes that is Karl- Wait why is he stumbling and holding his stomach?" he asked but before I could answere Karl colapsed on the ground. Me and Tubbo gave us a short look and ran over to him laying on the ground and BLEEDING?!

As we were right next to him Tubbo knees down and took his wrist to check his pulse. The first thing we saw where scars?(not sh) I looked over to Tubbo confused who just looked really serious and concerned at Karl. "He is breathing somehow. But we should definatly bring him to our place he looks seriously injured and we can't just leave him outside." I nodded as Tubbo looked over to me. He then stood up. "Tommy we need to bring him to my house could you take him. When we are there could you get Puffy it looks like he got some really bad injures and I am going to get some bandages and go to Quacktiy and Sapnap when you are back, okay?" He said with even more concern. Of course I nodded "Ofcourse Tubbs, i am a big man i will handel this." I said and carefully picked Karl up so i dont hurt him more then he already is. Tubbo chuckeld a little but then started to walk to his base with me following him with Karl.

Now I am really concerned too even if i am not close to him in anyway. But he is bleeding really much, he looks like he hadnt slept since a year or something and he is really light I mean really really light. Seriously how is he alive he looks like he went through hell and back for a year or month. What the hell happened to him?


part 2 comes later or tomorrow

1339 words

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