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"I promise sweetheart, you're going to love this place." Willows's mother excitedly tapped on the steering wheel after rambling through the only five perks Howling Woods Summer Camp had to offer.

"I went here when I was your age and it's how—"

"You met dad... I know mom." Willow finished for her mother. A nervous pit of anxiety filled her stomach. At 18 the last thing she wanted to do this summer was babysit a bunch of snot-nosed kids but her mother promised that if she at least went one year, Willow could pick the out-of-state college she had her eye on.

"It's gonna be a great sweetie." her mother beamed from the driver's seat.

Willow had her doubts about the extreme promises of newfound friendships and bonding activities. She'd rather be at home or at her spot by the beach reading or listening to her records before she inevitably left her small town for bigger and better things. This was her unfortunate last hurrah and it would take a lot for her to change her mind that this summer wasn't going to blow. After what felt like a lifetime, her mother's car pulled into the gravel lot past the Howling Woods Summer Camp sign.

They parked and Willow collected her things from the car and gave her mother one final goodbye before turning towards the camp. Her only sound of freedom was her mother's tires on the gravel behind her, fleeting off into the distance. The camp seemed normal, with a large mess hall to greet the campers and a row of cabins to the right tucked just along the tree line.

Willow could already hear whooping and laughter followed by the unmistakable sounds of splashing as her feet carried her towards the lake. She tutted along with her duffel bag hanging off of her shoulder until a petite redhead came into view. The girl was sitting at the edge of one of the picnic tables watching over a group of kids playing with horse shoes.

"Excuse me?" Willow's voice cracked slightly. An awkward smile spread across her features as the girl turned. "I'm uh... I'm Willow. I'm supposed to check in with James?"

The girl's brow furrowed for a moment before her eyes went wide, snapping her fingers. "Oh! You mean Bucky! Are you one of the new counselors?" She asked, standing up and clapping her hands together.

Willow sighed with a soft nod. "Yeah, I am."

"Well, Willow, it's nice to meet you! I'm Wanda! Come on, I'll take you to see him." Her voice was bubbly with a smoky quality to it that made Willow smile. Wanda snaked her arm with Willows and began leading her towards the lake. "Knowing him he'll be down here with Stevie, pretending that they're actually lifeguards."

She nodded, taking note of another name to remember. They reached the lake and saw two young men jumping off a floating platform. "Boys! Come meet Willow!" Wanda called from the edge of the water.

Willow adjusted her duffel bag on her shoulder and nervously chewed on her lip, and then she saw a man with long, dark hair and piercing blue eyes that she could see from afar emerge from the lake.

Water dripped down his sculpted torso, his blue short shorts just barely clinging to his hips and muscular thighs. He had gorgeous, sharp cheekbones and full lips that curled in a smile the second he laid eyes on her. His friend was just as gorgeous and muscular with long blonde hair, large biceps, and a pair of bright red short shorts.

"They like to think they're hot shit-- You left your whistles in the office, you goons!" Wanda called as she shook two yellow whistles in her hand. The dark-haired one flashed Willow a smile that made her knees knock together as he approached and stuck his hand out.

"Sorry, Wands. Hi, I'm Bucky. This is Steve."

Willow stared, mouth open, for way longer than she should have done. It was only when Bucky raised his eyebrow at her that she realized and she shook her head slightly, putting her hand in his. "W-Willow" she managed, flushing pink.

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