The life of Zara Swan

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The bell had rang, Zara was rushing as fast as she could to class. She went to a decent sized school, and getting to class to class wasn't an easy task. She was finally getting to her class when a crowd of people came running down the hall. It was the biggest class in the school, The grade 7's. Zara braced herself as they ran straight past her, People were banging into her and pushing her around she could barely stand up. Then her legs finally gave out on her, with her heavy book bag and her books in her hand all her weight shifted to one side. 

She closed her eyes, when she opened them she wasn't falling or on the ground but she seemed to be floating? Or being carried? She looked up, to her it was a stranger but to others it was Vinyl Daniels and everyone was staring at them. 

"Oh, Sorry!" Zara said, she tried to stand up by Vinyl didn't let her go.

She looked back up at him.

"Uh.. Excuse me?" She said, she was starting to get scared. He looked surprised or maybe happy, she didn't quite know but it was creeping her the hell out.

Vinyl finally snapped out of it, he let her go. She got up and turned around to look at him.

"Thank you.." She said, she was cautious and scared of what he might do stepping back for good measures.

"Uh.. No problem!" Vinyl said, Zara smiled and glanced back at the hall.

"Uh, You should get to class." Vinyl said, Zara nodded and looked at the door.

"Well, thanks anyways. See you later I guess." Zara said, he nodded as she walked away. Vinyl stood there for a minute watching as Zara entered the classroom.

Zara sat down, Gracie John quickly came in the class and sat next to her. Zara smiled when she entered.

"Seems like someone's late today." Zara said, Gracie looked over to her.

"I am not late! I had just got ambushed by the grade 7's." Gracie said, they both giggled.

"Well, you're just lucky you got here before Mr-"

"EVERYONE TAKE YOUR SEATS!!" Mr. Slits yelled as he entered the class.

Gracie and Zara looked up, Surprised at the familiar sound of Mr. Slits yelling that ringed through their ears.

"I spoke too soon." Zara said, Gracie started giggling.

The entire class sat down, but the sound of chatter didn't die down until Mr. Slit sat down at his desk. Mr. Slit is a VERY strict teacher, he is the kind of teacher to get angry at you if you whisper during class. In his class hats are not allowed, chewing gum is not allowed, passing notes is not allowed and paper airplanes are definitely NOT allowed. Mr. Slits HATES paper airplanes, if he even spots one on someones desk or hanging out of someones book bag he'll tell you to bring it up and he'll rip it up in your face.

He's been a school teacher for years, Before becoming a high school teacher he was an Elementary school teacher and everyone hated him. He once gave a child suspension for drawing on a desk because he said they were being distracting, and when he grades papers if you don't have two eight lined paragraphs for one question he will fail you unless it's a test then it has to be three 10 lined paragraphs on one question. He's a VERY mean and strict teacher.

Mr. Slit pulled out his note book of attendance, he graduated school back in 1967 so he isn't good with tech. He is 73 and so he didn't really grow up with technology so he doesn't really like to use it, unless he has no other choice. 

He looked up to the class as he put on his reading glasses.

"Sarah Anderson." Mr. Slit called out.

"Present." Sarah responded.

Zara looked over to Gracie.

"Seems Mr. Spits never changes." Zara whispered, Gracie smiled.

"It seems." Gracie whispers back.

"Bethany Davis." Mr. Slits called out again.

"Present." Bethany responded.

He kept calling out names.

"Libby Lacobeli." He called out.

"Not here." Someone said.

"Gracie John." Mr. Slits called out, he looked over to her.

"Present." Gracie said, Zara looked over to her and smiled.

Finally he got to Zara's name.

"Zara Swan." He called out and looked over to her.

Zara paused as they made eye contact, Gracie nudged her.

"Oh, P-Present!" Zara said, she looked down.

He called out names until he was finished, then he started the lesson. The class was as boring as always, Mr. Splits made it extra boring since he had a horrible sense of humor. He found kids getting seriously hurt funny, He has laughed at the sight of kids going into coma's and kids committing suicide. He is just a horrible person in general.

Finally the class was over, Zara stood up chit chatting with Gracie.

"Mrs, Swan and Mrs, John. Can you both please stay after class." Mr. Slits said, They both looked up in confusion.

They watched as students passed them giving them sympathy glares. Until the class was completely empty, aside from them in the class.

Mr. Slits stood up, he walked over to them and they backed up in their chairs.

"Do you girls find my class funny?" He asked, Zara looked at Gracie.

"Not at all sir." Zara said, Mr. Slits looked at the two.

"Well this morning when I entered the classroom, you two girls were giggling about something. Do you mind telling me what that was about?" He asked, They looked at each other.

"Sir, you might not get it." Gracie said, He raised an eye brow.

"Don't be daft, I know what you young people are talking about these days. With your Hippie music and strange speech. I will most definitely understand any joke you toss my way." Mr. Slits said, the girls cringed at the fact of their teacher acting "cool" definitely it being Mr. Slits aka Mr. Spits as they call him. 

"I made a joke about Gracie being late. She laughed at it when you entered." Zara said, Mr. Slits put his hands behind his back.

"And this joke? Was it so funny you could not hold in your laughter anymore?" He asked, He spoke so properly that you could tell her was an old person.

"Yes sir." Gracie said, She smiled but stopped when he didn't look impressed. 

"This is no smiling matter, If anyone in this class saw you, you could have distracted everyone from MY lesson. This is unacceptable and I hope you know that." Mr. Slits said, the girls looked at him.

"Uh.. Yes sir." Zara said, Mr. Slits sighed and walked over to his desk.

"You may go, I hope this will never be a problem in MY class again." Mr. Slits said as they stood up.

"Of course sir." Gracie said, they started walking out.

"Remember Mrs, Swan. Just because your family is big doesn't mean I will treat you like the other teachers. I for one am not a coward. I am not scared of you I hope you know that." Mr. Slit said, Zara looked at him.

"I already know that Mr. Slit, and I'm glad. At least one teacher is going to grade me and teach me properly." Zara said, She left and Gracie followed.

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