Garrett and Blakes huge fight

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Garrett and Blake are in the kitchen segueing with one another
Garrett: Blake common. I really want to take the role offer.
Blake: I'm not fine with you taking the role offer.
Garrett: well too late I sent a text that I am accepting the offer this morning
Blake: what!!! Garrett you send one saying opps mistake sorry.
Garrett: you know what!!! We're over Blake!! I am so done with you.  And also got filming details sent to my email. I leave this afternoon for LA. The directors private jet is picking me up at the private jet tarmac in 1 in a half hours which is at 4:30pm. So if you'll excuse me I have packing to do. I have to pack my two big suitcases and get my Uber to the private jet tarmac to be there on time.
Blake: say what!! You've gotta leave that soon?
Garrett: yeah but filming doesn't start for another 2 weeks. I am just heading to LA 2 weeks early to make up for lost time with someone I know from my k-12 schooling years.

Garrett packs up his stuff grabs his laptop bag and makes sure everything is in it then grabs his wallet leaves behind the keys as he doesn't want them. Then orders his Uber ride.

Garrett: would you look at that my Uber ride is here. Goodbye Blake. See you never again!

Garrett gets in after he puts his two bags in the trunk of the Uber car. Then it drives off.

Blake: Just great! Just great! I have lost my husband forever. He hates me now. And is divorcing me. This is all my fault. But he said make up for lost time with a some he knows from his k-12 schooling years.

Blake goes on his phone and goes to Garrett's instagram page and checks the tagged part. And sees a post with a photo of him from his high school years with another guy. He sees an account named Nikolas.Evans tagged him in the photo.
He reads the caption which says: Today my best friend from kindergarten through 12th grade is arriving in LA for a role he got in my gay movie that starts filming in 2 weeks which I am also starring in. I can't wait till I get him in my arms again tonight. I love you Garrett 😘😘😘. PS, happy 6 month dating anniversary Garrett. I am so glad we have kept our relationship down on the low.

Blake: OMG Garrett has been cheating on me!!!  I can't believe it. He's been cheating on me for 6 months.
Blake checks his i calendar as he remembers there was a two week period where he said he was going to visit his mom in San Bernardino California.

Blake: OMG Garrett has been cheating on me since March 10th this year! I am so beyond myself mad at him. You know what, I don't need him in my life!!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2022 ⏰

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