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Myungjun tried really hard not to yawn, bored to death as they went through yet another very questionable audition.
How no one in the entire damn school seemed capable to hit a single note, right when their Glee Club needed new members, was the biggest mystery on earth; they weren't asking for the next musical genius of their generation, even a vocally mediocre person would have been enough, but the lack of talent was discouraging.
Sanha was doodling on a sheet of paper, his attention span getting lower with every minute. "I am this close to give up"
"One more and then we are leaving, enough ears bleeding for today", Myungjun agreed. "Next!" he yelled, praying for a miracle.
The boy who walked in looked too shy to even stand on a stage, let alone perform in front of a crowd. At least he had a pretty face, Myungjun noticed distractedly.
"What's your name?"
"Park Minhyuk"
"Wait, I know you", Bin frowned, trying to remember. "Didn't we meet at a dance workshop once?"
Minhyuk stared back, just as surprised. "Moonbin, right? Who had everyone at his feet with that 24 hours cover?"
Dongmin, sitting next to Bin, pouted and clung to his arm. "Should I be jealous?"
"Have you seen yourself? What are you even worried about?" Sanha said, annoyed.
Bin ignored them, still focusing on Minhyuk -he looked delighted. "I don't know about singing but mark my words, he is the best dancer we could get"
"I am not, really"
That exchange made Myungjun straighten up, suddenly interested. Bin had always had a keen eye for talent, and if Minhyuk was so great as he said, who knew if he hadn't got other surprises up his sleeves.
"What would you like to sing for us today?"
"Don't stop me now by Queen"
Myungjun's hopes vanished hearing his choice: either Minhyuk was a hidden gem, or he was going to embarrass himself so bad to drop out of school and never be seen again -which sounded way more plausible than discovering Freddie Mercury's long lost son.
Jinwoo must have sensed his despair, because he jumped up and clapped. "Awesome! Do you mind me playing the drums? I love this song", he smiled at Minhyuk, patting his shoulder. "Don't worry about Myungjun hyung, he is not as intimidating as he wants you to believe", he whispered encouragingly. "Just do your best"
Minhyuk inhaled and exhaled sharply, microphone in his hand, the leather jacket he put on wrapping his body perfectly. Myungjun had to remind himself he wasn't there to get crushes on cute guys but to judge them mercilessly.
Jinwoo counted down and Minhyuk changed completely: his posture, his attitude, his aura -it was like a complete different person had taken over. Then music started, and it was mind blowing.

Minhyuk was addicting, Myungjun had to admit as he couldn't tear his gaze away from him.
He was raw, sometimes straining too much, but those imperfections only added to the beauty of his perfomance, his charisma filling the auditorium like a whole choir. He was moved by a passion Myungjun had rarely seen in anyone: Minhyuk was there because he loved it. It showed in each one of his steps, in the way he played with lyrics and let music free himself from everything that was holding him back.
Myungjun listened to his roughness and thought it would have been the perfect contrast to his own crystal clear voice -that made his heart aching with a feeling he didn't recognize.

Jinwoo hit the final beat and held his drumsticks to the sky, cymbals reverberating, bass still pounding in their chest; Bin and Dongmin cheered loudly, shock written all over their faces as Minhyuk looked up, hopeful and once again so timid no one could have ever imagined the complete turn around he had had just moments before.
It took Myungjun some time to realize that all the attention was on him, Sanha nudging and urging him to say something before Minhyuk fainted out of anxiety. It was the easiest decision they had ever faced, yet Myungjun was hesitating, for reasons he himself couldn't comprehend.
"We will let you know", he stuttered.
Before any of them could protest, or he could say more, Minhyuk murmured a thank you and bowed, dashing out at the speed of light.
"Are you dumb?" Jinwoo deadpanned in disbelief. "How can you let him go like that?"
"He isn't ready-"
"None of us was before our first show, find a better excuse"
"He isn't stable enough"
"Is that all you can come up with? Don't tell me-"
Jinwoo exchanged a knowing glance with Dongmin, holding back a laugh. "You are scared"
Myungjun gasped, outraged. "How dare you!"
"He is really good", Bin added with a smirk. "He could even take your place and get all the solos, if you keep slacking"
"I'm not- yah, don't say that!"
Singing was everything to Myungjun, the only thing he excelled at, his safe place, his favourite getaway from reality. It was his chance to shine, and the others let him, knowing how much it meant to him -when they had put the band together, Myungjun had felt like a star. Maybe Minhyuk's presence did threaten him a little bit, after all.
"Hyung, you will always be the number one for us", Sanha assured cutely, hugging him. "But give him a try? If he is not the right one, we will kick him out"
Myungjun sighed, because Minhyuk was the best they could ask for and they all knew it. "Can we test him once again?"
"As you please", Jinwoo shrugged. "Just try not to drool so much next time"
He ran away before Myungjun could punch him.

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