The Awoke Pain

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It was faint, subtle and light, it left a small trail behind but slipped through his hands like water in a moving stream. The time, the place, the faces, and the voices were there but going as quickly as he caught them. They slipped, then came but slipped again. The stream dying up, but the feeling still lingering.

The feeling... was non stop pain.

Pain. That's all that was left even when the rest all slipped from him. It was hot, knife stabbing, and melting metal like pain. It attacked at his throat, slashing down to his stomach in such a quick motion that the once colorworld turned black, but so slow that he felt every little contact as if fire exploded under his skin. He tried to scream, but the pain in his throat cut off his voice before it could even slip out, the fire strangling him as if the creature had hands. The fire spread and with it the water from the stream was dissolving and fuzzing out of him.

He felt empty, cold, but yet couldn't stop his screams from within as the hot burning pain filled that stream after the water faded away. The pain spread like fire as well, moving from the hold it had on his neck to his shoulders, arms, body, legs, all the over to the point where he felt like it had emglufted him in white and pink blinding light. It tore at him, the fire hands turning sharp as it tore at his very flesh and bones. It was pulling at him from everywhere and left nothing else behind. He felt his energy he once had leave him, he felt like his body was finally burning and slowly dying from the inside out. Nothing else was there, nothing. None of the water survived, none of the normal colors of the large world, nothing but fire, white, and pink.

Once the fire was done with his body, it attacked from deeper within. It went up to his head, the pain now turning into lava as he finally let his bleeding throat scream in torture. It hurt. It hurt so much. Why was it attacking there? It already destroyed the stream, it vanished the connection, the piece that was within was gone. Yet it still kept attacking his very soul. He screamed louder and louder, his throat feeling raw but nothing compared to the lava in his head. It was too much, filling too much, it was going to leak out of his eyes if it kept going. He wanted it to stop. He wanted everyone to stop. Forget the stream, forget what he lost. He just wants the pain gone. Gone! Gone! Gone!

The pain stopped, the lava cooled, and his world now before dark. Nothing was there, no stream, no faces or voices. There was nothing. It made the boy want to smile.

Then the empty blackness faded, and the colors from before came back slowly. The colors swimmed around, swirling and spinning a bit to the point where he wanted it to stop moving all together. Did the colors all use to do that?

"... Look, he's waking up..."

He groaned, hearing voices now which helped the colors stop moving but start a swimming flood feeling now in his head. It kind of hurt just to move, like his body was suddenly very heavy. Strange, was it always like that? Ignoring the aching feeling in his joints, the boy slowly moved to sit up from the couch, rubbing his eyes to try and stop the spinning that was slowing down. He heard more voices, sounding like whispers of some sort. Were other people inside with him? Where was even here?

"Take it easy... You don't need to get up..."

He groaned again, pushing whatever was trying to touch him out of his way. The throbbing in his head was now down to a small little poke behind his eyes, he was able to open them to see where he was at. It was a house, a very strange house but a house none of the less. It looked to be a living room as well. Brown hardwood flooring and walls, a coffee table littered with rags, bowls, and cups of ice water. He also saw a weird pink ciniclar next to the cup of water, it gleamed in the sunlight. He frowned at it since he had never seen anything like it before. It looked like a very thick pen or something. The boy then looked down at his lap, seeing that he had a light blue blanket over the lower half of his body. He was on a massive corner shaped couch, white and very soft and comfortable. It was strange, cause he knew what this stuff was, but he had questions as to why he even was sleeping on a couch. Wouldn't it be better to sleep in a bed?

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