a new girl

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Walking alone in this forest of Ndabi,Dopi was carrying a wild goat that he hunted. that was the food for the whole week with his mother Kobi . while walking home he heard a small voice of a girl crying in the woods,"'help..Aaaaa AAA aaa'"he stopped and listened again,"AAA Aaaaa AAA..help" the voice repeated..he put down his goat and followed the direction where that voice came from..he found a girl laying on the ground,bleeding blood from her nose and about to faint..the girl saw Dopi..but with tears covering her eyes..she didn't saw him clearly..Dopi carried her..she whispered while on the shoulders of Dopi "Don't kill me please".. And her eyes closed and she became unconscious.
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Waking up..with dizziness inside her head,she found herself on the bed made of cotton.she tried hardly and sit on the bed,looking up a down observing that small room covered by dry leaves and woods..
She heard two people talking from outside a door infront that bed
It was Dopi talking to his mother Kobi with small voices
Dopi:Let her stay for a while mother
Kobi:What if she brings trouble here my Son..I don't trust her
Dopi:let her get well first Mama then we will tell her to leave..

They kept on arguing and Dopi's mother didn't want the girl to stay..
Hearing them with a lot dizziness,the girl inside laid on  that bed..and slept again..
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The second time she opens her eyes ..it was already night..she saw Dopi standing in front her bed..they started talking
Dopi:hi am Dopi..am the one who brought you here
The girl:thank you..My name is KADAWA..
Dopi:where are you from??  Who injured you Or what injured you ??

Kadawa seemed to be amaized looking left and right slowly trying to remember but she couldnt .she only saw flash backs of people yelling at her..Dopi asked again
Dopi:hey..can you tell me anything
Kadawa:I can't remember anything..

Dopi stayed calm..and took her outside so that they can eat..there Kadawa met Dopi's mother Kobi.. They started eating while talking around a small fire of woods.
Dopi's mother was quite the whole time,Dopi tried to make conversations but the response wasn't good.
Suddenly 3 Men entered the compound from no where..they were having swords and spears..yelling "there she is"..Dopi,KOBI and KIDAWA stood up with fear and Dopi shouted "WHO ARE YOU??" Those people surrounded them ready to attack and didn't say anything.. One of them said "be carefully,we need her alive..and don't let her hands on you" .. Approached and tried to catch kadawa..
Kadawa Shouted with a very pitched and loud voice nealing down "AAAAAARGHHHHH" and suddenly all the three men were turned into cockroaches and their weapons felt down.

Dopi, his mother and Kadawa her self were amaized and didn't understand what happened..Kadawa fainted down

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2015 ⏰

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