Chapter 1- scrambled eggs and scratches

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Avery's point of view

I woke up to the smell of bacon and eggs and bolted out of my room in my small apartment. I quickly ran to the kitchen and hugged my brother, Derek tightly. He chuckled and threw a piece of bacon in the air, which I caught in my mouth.

"Morning Avery. I figured I'd make breakfast." He smiled.

I should probably introduce myself. I'm Avery Mae Hale. I'm fourteen years old and I'm the baby of the Hale family. There's Laura whos the oldest of us kids, then there's Derek then Cora then there's me. My parents and most of my other family died in the tragic Hale house fire six years ago.

I quickly realized I was close to the gas powered stove and stepped back. I smiled back at Derek, "Thanks Der." I said while munching on my bacon.

I just ate my bacon more while grabbing plates and setting the table for three. Laura was supposed to be coming back to town this week for a visit. Derek brought the food to the table and I immediately attempted to grab the whole plate of bacon. Derek growled and I looked up at him raising my eyebrow in wonder to why he growled.

"Avery Mae Hale you can't just have bacon. You still have humanish traits you need to take care of. So grab some orange slices, some blueberries, some eggs and some toast as well. You're a growing girl. Besides I would like some bacon too" He lectured while grabbing the plate out of my hands and setting it on the table.

I huffed then put two pieces of bacon on my plate, a spoonful of blueberries, two orange slices, a piece of toast and two spoonful's of egg. I put some strawberry jelly on my toast and ate it all.

I heard the door crack open and I was met with the familiar scent of cinnamon and honey. I smiled and turned my head seeing Laura.

All werewolves have a scent in a way. Its our way of knowing who is who. Its often common smells mixed with a werewolf scent most can't put their finger on. All of my siblings have specific smells. They were either our natural scent or a body spray. Laura smells kind of like a honeybun. Derek smells like roasted almonds and coconut: I think it's because of his hair gel he uses. Cora smells like..... Honestly, I don't remember what she smelled like. Most think she died in the fire, but we didn't find her body. All I know is that for a few years after the fire, Laura, Derek and myself left town.

Derek got me books to study and read so I wouldn't have to go to school. It was safer too. In the summer of sixth grade, Derek, myself and Laura met up in Beacon Hills to see how our uncle Peter was and Laura went to catch up with someone so we were there for a week. Then something bad happened and we left for another three years. Laura left the state and me and Derek moved to a more woodsy town.

Laura hung her bag on the coat rack and sat her shoes next to the door then proceeded to walk over and give us hugs.

"Hey Hales. What's up?" She asked, grabbing a piece of toast to eat and sat down.

Derek shrugged "Eh, nothing much." Laura nodded then looked at me.

"Well I'm starting high school in a week, I'm probably going to go visit uncle Peter later and let him know we're finally back in town." I shared then went to the kitchen to wash my plate and put it into the drying rack. I heard whispers shooting back and forth from my sister and brother at the table. I frowned hearing Laura.

"Peter has to be faking it. I stopped by the care facility earlier to check on him and before I walked inside his room to check on him I heard him talking." Laura whispered between bites of her toast.

Derek whispered back "Well, I didn't see him or smell him anywhere. Besides, I'll have Avery go-"

Laura cut Derek off "no she will not be going to see him. He's dangerous. I don't want her hurt. She might shift and flip out on him. She doesn't have control!"

I walked back into the dining room and shoved Laura. "I do have control! I just handle things differently okay?!" I shouted at her

She shoved back "yeah well maybe you don't!" Laura growled flashing her red eyes at me. "Listen to me, Avery. You are just a mere omega wolf. You're a baby! With absolutely zero control! she shot back

My eyes flickered and in seconds I was being pinned down to the ground by Derek with an injured Laura holding her now bloody arm.

Laura shot daggers at me with her eyes then headed for the door grabbing her bag and slipping her shoes on. She slammed the door shut behind her leaving myself and Derek here. Derek just stared at me and went to his room to get away from me.

You see, with Derek he wants to be a strong figure to look up to like a brother but he knows he needs to teach me discipline like a guardian figure. Right now, he's most likely torn between sides knowing I was right for calling out Laura's bullshit but she was right about the control. At least, that's what Derek thought.

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