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The final thoughts flicker through my mind like a film, each scene lasting no more than a mere fraction of a second. While I hold out my hand I can sense their feelings of betrayel. How double-crossed and saddened Steven must feel, the one human I've grown rather fond of, may despise me as of now. Yet it won't be long before they realize that maybe I too can help, and even though I've not fulfilled my part yet I know that it is not too late for me to try now.

We dance, me and Jasper. My mind clears at once. The final dip she preforms puts my plans all into place. When combined me and her strike fear even to the Crystal Gems, we are so powerful together. I can go home, or do what I'm about to do.

The waves crash violently onto the shore, preparing for our infinite descent into the ocean's depths. Malachite will no longer stand but I'll fight to keep her together. Water forms chains that bind her wrists, Jasper's and my wrists. Together we are eaten by the liquid that once elevated me to the atmosphere. Together we are trapped, there is no going home. As far as I know there is no more home.

At least the sandy dunes that hold us hostage below this mirror are the ones that I have chosen. I may be trapped, yet I'm still free.

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