The time is now

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"Why did everythink turn to bad this day?".  Let me introduse myself, im Flame knight and this is my story how i get to help in my favorite fandom. Now back to the story. That was the first think that come to my mind when i say the date on my phone. Friday 31st of August. Last day of my Sumner break and tomorow the first day of school. God i only did like two thinks on my bucket list and now im going to the second year on highschool. Ok i be honest, i basicly procrastinate and did a few little projects like making and impruving my cosplays and make-up skills. Ok back to reality. I get up, fetch myself some breakfast, feed my rabbit and brother cat, start my comp and then a mysterios portal open.
"Whats goin on? This almost look like the Digital gate in digimon tamers". I was curios and scared at the same time but then... Somethink push me inside and guess who that was. My cousen Blake. From all people who woud do that i didnt suspect him.
"Why did he do that?" i guestion it while i fall throu the portal and i saw data swirling aroud me like it is alive. Some of the code then start taking shape and who do i saw you may ask? I saw my favorite digimons. Wargreymon, Aldamon, Gallantmon and... Oh my god Beelzemon blast mode and Beelzebumon. They all smile at me and they start flying close to me. I was scared but they eyes tell me not to be afraind so i calm myself. The five digimons then turn to fractal codes and.... They went to me. The pain was unbearable and i black out. When i woke up and look around i then realise that im in a room that look like it was for royalty. I then register my arm with the Digimon symbols of courage, fire, digital hazard, gluttony and fusion fighters. "This is gonna be a ride"i tell myself and get up, to explore the new world i been send to

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2022 ⏰

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