Chapter 1

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One night, in the Magic Tent, the Wiztastics were all sleeping in separate beds. However, Wizwuz woke up in the middle of the night, since he felt like he needed a drink. He got out of his bed and then he crawled to the mini-fridge and grabbed the body-swap potion (which he thought was grape soda) from the fridge. He drank half of the potion and wiped his lips, and then he put the potion back.
But then he felt his tummy rumble, and then he let out a huge burp in the form of a giant magic cloud.

Wizwuz: Eh, it'll go away soon. *crawls into bed*

The cloud started to float around the room, spreading its magic scent, and then it floated out the window and into the sky. However, it soon began raining the body swap potion as it floated across Mixel Land. The next morning, it started unlike any other day.
Wizwuz yawned and went out of his bed, only to find that he didn't have six of his legs.

Wizwuz: Mesmo? I think I lost my legs.

Mesmo yawned, but he yawned in Magnifo's voice, which is a sign (according to cartoon logic) that he is actually Magnifo.

Magnifo: What'd you say, Wi-... Hold on, am I dreaming?

Wizwuz paused, and then he banged on his new pincer with his other new pincer, and then he yelped.

Wizwuz: Nope, not a dream! *giggles*

Magnifo gasped as he realized what Wizwuz has done.

Magnifo: Please don't tell me you drank the Body-Swap Potion from the fridge!

Wizwuz: ..Why's that a bad thing? I mean, it only body-swapped us and Mesmo, right?

Suddenly, Zorch (who is actually Slumbo) slammed into the window of the Magic Tent, catching the Wiztastics' attention. Slumbo then slid down the window.

Slumbo: (Muffled) Oh, hey.

Magnifo and Wizwuz looked at each other, and then back at the window.

Magnifo: How much of that potion did you drink?

Wizwuz: Uh... almost all of it?

Magnifo and Wizwuz looked back at each other. Cut to outside the Magic Tent where Magnifo and Wizwuz are running out in a hurry, only to find some mixels running around, and being afraid of the fact that they body-swapped with each other.

Magnifo and Wizwuz: (In unison and both in shock) Oh schnixel.

In the background, Zaptor screaming is heard. The camera pans outward, and then Zaptor (in Flain's body) runs towards Magnifo and Wizwuz.


Magnifo: Hang on, just slow down.

Zaptor suddenly looked at Mesmo, which transitions into Zaptor squinting at Mesmo in confusion.

Zaptor: You're not Mesmo, are you?

Magnifo: I'm Magnifo. Everyone in Mixel Land body-swapped.

Zaptor: ...I think I got the picture during my run outside.

Wizwuz: Oh, as in you figured it out when you woke up?

Zaptor: No, I just saw a bunch of body-swapped mixels and then I figured it out.

(A/N: This chapter ain't done yet so just wait.)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2023 ⏰

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