Sweet dreams

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[This was a lil rushed so please tell me if you guys have any suggestions! ʚïɞ ]



It was a normal day in lyiue.

You were walking beside your superior,your boss, Scaramouche.

You two were assigned by Capitano to retrive the youngest harbinger that ever existed,Tartaglia.

As you were progressing on the very long road you noticed more and more clouds started to gather and suddenly it started raining.

Of course usually you wouldn't complain and just keep going forward but this time was diffrent.It was litteraly pouring and there was no sign of potential shelter anywhere.

Scaramouche was just fine considering he wears his big hat and he just so happened to see you shiver from the cold air mixed with you wet clothes so he did something ever he didn't belive he did.

He helped you.

Scaramouche gently grabbed your wrist and pulled you towards him so you could warm up a little from his body and not be rained over.

You were completly dumbfounded at this point.He helped you?The mighty Scaramouche who hates everyone?The one who picks on you when you mess up?He helped you?

As you were oberthinking he pulled you closer whispering softly:

"Don't tell another soul about this or you are dead?Understand?Now stay close to me you are freezing alive."

At this point you were red from embaressment and just buried your head în his chest trying to calm down.

Scaramouche looking around saw a abandoned hillichurl camp so he walked with you there and sat down with you beside him.

"Why did u help me?" You shyly asked.

"Because I don't want to see you in any kind of pain y/n , I do care from time to time you know."

"I-i see" You said As you started to shiver again from the cold wind outside slightly entering the small tent.

As he observed your actions carefully he pulled you closer with you laying on his chest getting warmer and warmer as time passes .

Eventually you fell assleep so he started stroking your hair gently enough to not wake you up.

"Sweet dreams, y/n."

And then he kills you <3



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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2022 ⏰

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