
15 1 3

My friends and I were spending karaoke after class today, We each paid our own share for the drinks and food. 

It was after mid-term exams and we were just blowing off steam from hours of studying. School was getting hectic since we're in a graduating class, three more months and we would be out of high school onto our own respective colleges. soon living our own lives. Like REALLY  honestly scares me to face the real world, but it also makes me want to anticipate the future ahead since I hope to find my own place and a job I'll love.. someday.

"Weren't we going to stay overnight at your place, Lu?" Sia asked, breaking my thought. Munching her favorite mocha cake she ordered. She's always a laid-back person, The quick one to invite us to hang-out. I sometimes wonder if she has a calendar or a mental note of places to hang-out on days like this. If you want to have fun, Sia's the person to go to.

I glanced over to my two friends dancing and singing duet to their favorite song from a cartoon movie 'magnificent'. If there's something we like in common, it is our love for disnep movies. We would re-watch movies all day long. My personal favorite would be Jumberina where she grew so large she basically became a living goliath.

"Yeah, if you guys don't have any plans for the weekend. We can watch the new movie I downloaded from netflicks." Spooning a bit of her cake to savor but it tasted so sweet. I chugged my iced tea to wash down my palate. Never have been into confections, they hurt my throat when I even just a little bit. My friends are fond of it though so they ordered extravagantly from the menu. 

The two girls have already ended their duet and sat in their places. "Should we head out a bit later to window-shop from that new boutique I just saw?" Angel gushed in her seat eagerly. Angel has always been an avid fashionista, always updated with trends around the social media. I've been out of the loop but she's always there to help with my clothes, thankfully so. I'm not really the type to mind what I wear. A hoodie and a shorts would be my go to pair for whenever I go out. 

Simple and comfortable.

Tara took a quick look and went back to her phone with clear disinterest. "surely we wouldn't be going around the hub for 2 hours again.." Tara, the one with the good head on her shoulders. She's always level-headed amongst us, mature for her age. She's the big sister we never had except for the fact that she is actually a year older.

"oh come on, it's only sometimes that we get to hang out freely like this. let's enjoy it, right guys?"

Sia and I agreed with her, Tara just lazily nodded in defeat. 

We went on our way out and spent 2 hours going around the city's fashion hub, Tiring to get around but it was a fun day nonetheless. Angel made few purchases for her clothes and we bought similar key-chains for our phones. It was a beaded white pearl and butterfly key-chain, adorned with clear pink beads. We always like to commemorate best days like these by buying trinkets together. 

After that, we made our way to my place in a quiet suburb and settled there for our dinner. Mom came out of the kitchen with her apron when we arrived and was delighted to see my friends over so she made a bit too much yummy food.  Watched the latest movies in netflicks till 12 am before we decided to hit the sack. Sia and Angel slept on the floor with their blankets and cushions, meanwhile Tara and I will sleep on the wooden canopy bed. 

I thoroughly enjoyed this day, tired but it made my heart full.

"let's sleep early so we can do something together first thing in the morning" Angel mumbled, drifting to sleep. The rest are also quiet now that they're finally getting proper break from an exhausting exam week.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2022 ⏰

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