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Sandhya and Ronnie are celebrating tonight, all their friends are gathered to share and spread the happiness. "After struggling for a long decade we have finally been able to adopt this gorgeous young boy. We are gonna love him more than life itself." Sandhya announces. Mitu has known the couple for more than 15 years now, always eager to help out whenever she was in need, she couldn't be happier for them and the child.

People started dispersing as the party began to wrap, the 3BHK flat filled with voices and laughter was now confined to conversation between the couple and Mitu, as she was going to be the last to leave. The boy has already fell asleep.

"Stay for a bit longer Mitu? What's the hurry you have a holiday tomorrow. It's only 11PM right now. " Said Sandhya.

Ronnie gets up to leave for the washroom, Mitu pulls Sandhya close to her hugging Sandhya's arm.

"How are things between you two now? I'm sure the baby is all you guys ever wanted. Has Ronnie started speaking again?"

"He's still in a state of shock after the incident. His therapist says it is triggered by some childhood trauma of his. The miscarriage really broke him, it was just too much for him to handle. "

"Don't beat yourself up over this, Sandy. There was no way you'd have known it."

Ronnie comes back to the room nervously smiling while Mitu and Sandhya continue the conversation.

"You guys should really name the kid, it's difficult—"

"Oh did we wake him up? What are you doing up babe come here" Sandhya hugs the child.

"What are those? Did you draw these? May i see them?" Asks Mitu.

"Aww it's a drawing of you and me sitting, Sandhya, when Ronnie went to the washroom. Look at us hugging. "

"Wow really impressive how he drew this so fast. What's that dark entity behind you Sandhya? It looks like shadow covering you from behind, Did he try to erase something from behind—"

Mitu falls on the floor with a loud thumping sound. Sandhya is standing behind her with a bat in her hand, the bottom edge of the bat is covered with a little blood and hair from Mitu's head.

"I thought she would never shut up! What took you so long, boy? Couldn't you see mommy was irritated? "

The boy nervously steps back slowly looking at Sandhya with puppy eyes. And she continues blabbering stuff as she drags Mitu's unconscious body around the floor towards the guest room of the flat. Ronnie and the child look at each other with fear and amusement as Sandhya ties up Mitu to the bed.

"Ronnie! Ronnie! come inside let's get started. " Shouts Sandhya. "Get the boy too, he's the new addition to our family let him get his share too. "

Three of them are in the guest bedroom now surrounding the unconscious body, Ronnie and The child on the left and right of bed while Sandhya towards her feet, forming a triangle. 

"Let's get this party started--" 

The doorbell rings. 

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