Where it begins

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Tw: Mentions of Parent death and practically being held captive

{No one's POV}

It was a normal day for Denki Kaminari. A teenager only 17 years old, Walking around on a nice fall day. He walked around looking around whenever he would see Halloween decorations up, On Houses and shops or even some schools. Each step he took you could hear crunching from all of the Leafs that had fallen, Leaving the trees to be cold

Denki Kaminari was almost always happy. But like every human on this planet, He had his down falls. He lives with his Father, His mother being dead. It was tragic for his Father but sadly he could barley Rember. The only thing this boy could Rember was his mother's Singing and laughter. The yellow haired teenager loved fall, The weather was nice and that's when all of the schools start getting more breaks for holiday's. He loved doing walks the most. Feeling the light breeze flow trough his hair, His hoodie giving just the right amount of warmth he needed

He deiced to take a different rout trough a different path. A lot of people say to not go to this path considering it's where someone went missing. Denki didn't believe in all of that junk people would say. He walked and walked and stumbled a few times, All of the sudden the wind got more crazy. Blowing as many rain clouds as they could. Of course Denki knew he wouldn't be able to get home in time

Before the Wi-Fi dropped he was able to text hi father saying he would just stay at one of his friends house. His friend Sero was the closest house from where he was at. But luck wasn't on his side today. Rain started sprinkling and rather quickly turned into a pouring thunder storm. Not wanting to get sick, He ran to closest house or shop he could find. And here he his now. Damp and panting from the run he had to do just to get under a Portch of someone's house

He knew better then anyone not to trust strangers but something told he should yet knock on the door. The house was rather nice. It was white with grey-Ish brown roof. The Portch had a nice rocking chair as well. There was yet no response for when Denki had knocked on the door, SO instead he rung the door bell. He could hear a nice ringing noise coming from it

He knew he might look like a weirdo but he still wanted to show that he was friendly with a nice warm smile plastered on his face. His damp hair was all over the place but at the time he couldn't even see how he looked. After waiting a few minuets he could hear the lock turning and that's when his posture straitened up. The door only opened with a crack. Revealing some of the most prettiest purple eyes the blond has seen

He ended up staring at them longer then he himself wanted to "Hello?" Denki snapped from his trance that he didn't even know he was in. The voice was quite deep, Not super deep comparing to some other guys, But still rather deep. Whoever was standing behind the door seemed to be a bit more taller then the blond. Considering the boy had to only slightly look up

"Oh, uh- Hi! My name is Denki Kaminari and uh there's a crazy storm going on and I was wondering if you could let me inside until it goes away?" Each word that Denki said he seemed to think that he must sound crazy. When the blond looked back at the small open crack all he saw was fear in the others eyes

Denki stood there confuse, Looking over each word he had said to the other "Come in. Get dried. Grab an umbrella. Then leave" The other said with aggressiveness in his voice. Denki only nodded at that as the other had opened the door slightly more wider for him to come inside. It felt nice and warm inside. Denki looked over at the other who had let him inside. He was pale, Tall And looked insanely tired. He had purple, Messy hair and looked to be around Denki's age

"Go ahead and stand by the fire" The other had said. Denki sat on the floor feeling warmth from the fire. He never realized until now how tired he felt, Denki blamed it on the sound of the rain and fire. The house he was sitting in was rather fancier then he imagined. The fire place was quite large as well, The floor was wooden but was decorated with a nice rug. A nice couch and few fancy chairs were around the fire place, It being blocked with a nice wooden coffee table  

All of the sudden all of Denki's thoughts stop when he herd a knock on the door. He looked over at the guy who he forgot to ask the name of look at him and the door with fear and panic. Denki couldn't process what was happening considering how quick it was. He was shoved into a closet. The door being locked, The only words he herd was "Don't speak or move or you'll be danger" It was more of whisper but Denki herd loud and clear

Denki stood there. Frozen, In fear. He was still slightly wet witch made him shiver and shake. He herd the door open and footsteps. "I see you have arrived early" He herd. It sounded like the same person who had let him inside "Yes, Yes. Now.....I'm going to stay here for the next 13 Day's" It sounded like a woman. She sounded slightly old, But not to old

"13....?" The guy from earlier said. He sound nervous. "Yes? Why is there a problem?" The lady said, She spoke rather harshly. "No" was the last thing Denki herd anyone say for awhile. It felt like day's have passed but really it was only hours. Denki was still locked in the closet, scared for his life. His phone didn't have any Wi-Fi making it where he couldn't contact anyone

He was now sitting on the closet's floor. Tears slowly falling down his face. He felt if he made a single noise from his mouth he would get killed. Once it turned 9:30 pm The boy with purple hair had opened the closet. The closet was quite big, About the size of a pantry. But to Denki it was a small corner where he was sitting in

Denki looked up at the purple haired boy, Tears still slowly yet quickly making it's way down his face "I have some food for you....I'll explain everything Tomorrow, But for now your Gunna have to stay in here..." He spoke softly and calmly, Yet still sounded scared But Denki ignored the fear in his voice considering the calm voice seemed to have calmed him down

He was given a cup of water and nice smelling roll. After he was finished he asked "What's your name?..." Denki's voice sounded quite shakened up, Yet sounded slightly calm then what it could've been "Hitoshi Shinsou" Shinsou answered

Before Shinsou had to leave the closet he gave the now sleeping blond a blanket, The blanket was soft and considering the blond had took off his hoodie Because it was wet, The only thing he had on were his black ripped jeans and plain white T-shirt. His shoes and socks were set to the side of the closet

Shinsou Decided to give the blond a small flash light since it would be dark once he woke up. He placed the flash light in the boy's limp hand and walked out. Closing and locking the closet before heading towards the living room area. Shinsou sat on one of the chairs watching the fire burn away. The only thing he could think about was that this

                                                    Was Just the Beginning 

13 Day's of Rainy Day's |A Shinkami Halloween Horror Story|Where stories live. Discover now