~chapter 1~

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I sat in the corner of the small, crowded coffee shop, drinking my latte typing on my laptop.

College sucks.Dont even ask what I'm studying,I can barely understand any of it.

I dragged my hands down my face, feeling defeated by the stupid english essay I was writing. Every day is the same, I come to this place now as it clears my mind. I think even all the workers know me as a local.

As I sat in my seat, I saw a person come towards me.

Please don't sit here, I thought as I sighed internally. I'm not one for talking if you can't tell. It kind of scares me, you know new people and all.

"Excuse me, miss?" A soft voice said.

I looked up to see the person nearing me was a boy about my age, maybe a year or two older looking to me. He's kinda cute.

"Yeah?" I said, scanning his face. He had nice clear skin and a dopey smile about him. He was wearing a plain grey t shirt with a beanie hat that said lafd on it. Huh weird, who wears beanies these days?

"Would you mind if I sat here,it's just everywhere is full?" He said,almost pleading to me to let him have the seat.

"S'all yours," I said, fake smiling, just wanting to get on with my work.

As I started typing, I realised he was in the same situation as I was. He pulled out a few sticky notes and a sheet of a4 paper and started to make a spider diagram on the sheet.

"What's that you're doing?" I asked, trying not to seem nosey, but rather interested in what he had to say.

"Oh, this?" He said, holding up his a4 sheet, and I nodded.

"Just some ideas," he smiled up at me again.

"About?" I asked. He definitely thinks I'm nosey now.

"Oh, sorry, um, future career paths, I guess. I think I'm finally starting to get an idea. "
He replied,smiling, again. Does this guy ever stop smiling?

"That's nice,I'm stuck with a shitty college essay," I sighed, taking a small sip on my latte.

His eyes widened as I cursed,as if he didn't expect me to be this comfortable around him already, but I just didn't care.

"Ouch, that's got to suck. What college do you go to?"

"It's actually the closet one from here,I'm on my break for the next 30 minutes, so I thought I'd come out and get something to eat."

"Oh my god, no way, how have I not seen you before?" He said as his eyes widened again. He tends to do the same things often. Interesting.

"What you go there to?" I asked him.

"Yeah,wait, what age are you?"

"Twenty, so I have another year to go." I replied, smiling.

"Ah, I'm 21, so I'm leaving now soon," he replied.

"Wait, so shouldn't you know what you want to do?"

"Well, I want to do something to do with law. That's what I'm studying now, but I don't know what exact job yet," he said.

"Yeah, it's a tough one, you know figuring out what you want to do." I mean, I was having the same troubles.

"What are you studying?"

"English literature, I've kinda always liked English, but the work just pisses me off. All the constant loads of essays you know, " I sighed, finishing my latte.

"Yeah, I do it sucks honestly" he laughed.

Me and "law guy" talked for the next twenty minutes about basically everything. Oh shit, I didn't even ask his name.

"I know this is kinda awkward now that we've been talking the past 20 minutes, but what's your name?"

"Yeah shit your right, I'm alexis, nice to meet you..." he asked for my name, holding out his hand to shake mine.

"Lula, nice to meet you, alexis," I said as I held out my hand and shook his.

"Lula," he laughed.."That's a pretty name."

I blushed and let go of his hand.

"Yours is prettier, alexis,"

I laughed as he held his head down, laughing at my joke.

"You can call me Alex, though."

"Well, you can call me..."

Shit what can he call me? Nobody has a nickname for me...

He stated laughing, and soon I joined him as both of us thought that me stumbling was super funny.

"Hey, maybe I can think of a nickname for you?" He said.

"Only my friends give me nicknames," I replied, lying.

"But you couldn't think of a nickname?"

"Yeah, I don't have any friends, that's why." I started laughing as he smiled at me.

"Well, maybe I could be your friend?" He smirked, looking back up at me.

"Yeah, sure," I said, smiling.

"But you know..." he said, leaning forward, resting his elbows on the small table, "Friends keep in contact, so I'm gonna need your number, " he smirked again.

Oh dang, he's smooth.

I started laughing and said...

"Ok, fine, give me a sticky note and a pen," I said, still laughing.

His smile reached his ears as he ripped off a note enthusiastically and almost shoved me the pen.

I saw him in the corner of my eye watching me as I wrote my number down.

I finished writing and then grabbed my laptop and stood up. I stuck the note on his forehead and smiled at him.

"Don't lose it post-it note boy, then we can't keep in touch," I said as I winked at him and walked away.

Maybe today has been a good day.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10 ⏰

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