Prologue: Ambition

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Since emerging from the catacombs that was high school, there was one thing that Mr. Wolf knew how to do best... Commit crime. Long ago, he had allied with his classmates, Mr. Snake, Mr. Piranha, Mr. Shark and Ms. Tarantula to form The Bad Guys. Yet, following his great imprisonment and after serving his sentence, he instead chose to take to the skies as opposed to remaining on the grounds of Los Angeles.

Yet, he chose to take his ambitions of rising into the skies a little too seriously when Mr. Wolf himself was found jostling around inside of a transport crate destined for a place unknown. Furthermore, he had the delightful courtesy of sneaking onto a cargo plane as part of his assignment delivered by Diane Foxington to bring down L.A's most notorious criminal syndicate... The New Blizzard, who held an ironic name considering the majority of California was filled with desert. Even Mr. Wolf had made fun of that name before as he approached 10,000 feet in the air and prepared to burst out of his crate.

"Alright, Wolf. I'd like to see what you can do under pressure. You've been cooped up in that box long enough, I'd say it's time for you to rain on their parade!" None other than Diane Foxington, his love and his mentor, blasted through the intercom as he held his paw to the red button which was tasked with communicating his message back.

"You know, I would be more comfortable if you were here with me. Not because I can't handle this on my own, it's just a shame that nobody else can share the thrill with me. Oh, well, it's time for these guys to experience some mild turbulence!" Wolf whispered back, taking his crowbar that he had managed to conceal for so long to pry away at the box.

"Very funny, Wolf. Go ahead and take to the skies, show the cosmos what you're made of!" Diane lulled him with her voice as he pried away at the crate from within. "Make me proud, detective," Those were the only words Wolf needed to hear as he soon forced himself out of his wooden crate. Realising he was tied to the top of the operation, he scouted out some nearby rope and slipped down it as two guards bantered with one another.

"Why do we even need people in the cargo area? Is she really that paranoid still? We don't need to worry about losing track of shipments or people sneaking in on them. They wouldn't dare! We're too sophisticated! Sure, that petty canine may have been released from prison but he's got a lot to catch up with. I bet he's sleeping on his behind next to his vixen as they make out with one another!" An ocelot joked with his female associate whilst dressed in royal blue enforcer's clothing, equipped with a baton, a flashlight as well as a pistol strapped around his hilt.

"Relax, Jim, it's just a security measure. We're moving a lot of cargo. What's your deal with the wolf, anyways? It's bad enough that we've had to live under the shadow of The Bad Guys for so long that the police barely take us seriously. Doesn't matter too much, though; we get to push our cargo around and ship it off to the great red and gold dragon across the sea," The female leopard, dressed in royal purple attire and noticeably less armoured compared to her associate, remarked as Wolf spied them both with his brown eyes peering down on them both. "Ah, the price the Chinese would pay for some stolen artefacts. We're going to be swimming in gold and we can use the clout we earn from pushing these boxes to get out of the system or at least experience less turbulence up here... I swear my brain is rotting from the inside."

"That's probably because it is, Rose. A lot of oxygen gets lost up here. Speaking of feeling things, though... Why do I feel like we're being watched?"

"That's because you are," None other than Wolf himself descended down from the roof with a grappling hook attached to the ceiling. Both of his enemies attempted to reach for their batons but were knocked unconscious by him forcing their heads together. "Well, that intel's going to be useful for later. Enjoy your slumber, lovebirds," Wolf landed down on his feet after descending from atop wearing nothing but black latex. Not only was he on board to vanquish his enemies, he was also intent on stealing something that belonged to the city before skydiving out the back.

"Is it just me or did it get silent in here, Harry?" Wolf immediately noticed the grumbly voice in the distance and sought to drag both of his victims across the steel floor, hiding them behind the boxes before zipping back to the ceiling as two badgers came into view.

"False alarm, Rose and Jim have probably gone to take one of their bathroom breaks. I swear I heard them talking a minute ago, must be the turbulence," The badgers replied, which is when Wolf soon backflipped down from his position to land behind them both; producing a loud clang along the way. "INTRUDER!" Wolf silenced the pair of badgers by delivering an elbow to their throats before knocking them out cold with a punch. However, his mission had already been compromised as his previously dark exterior lit up with a gigantic flurry of red sirens spinning around whilst an overpowering alarm blared.

"Ah, crap. They got the message out before I could silence them," Wolf remarked as he climbed back up the nest of cargo secured by boxes made of cork before pressing down on his headset. "Diane, there's been a change in plans. It's time for the alternative," He cryptically declared as Diane's voice filled his ears once more.

"You're going to let them get away? You can't take on all of them now that they know you're there! - You need to bail!" Her voice reeked of concern all the while Wolf merely let off a growl, counting the amount of guards that were rapidly descending down into the underbelly of the transport plane.

"I don't exactly do bailing and you know this, sweetheart. You might not hear back from me for a while, it's time to fight some bad guys... Huh, and at some point, I was on the same side as these guys!"

"WOLF!" Alas, it was too late, for tactical reasons; Wolf had briefly silenced his intercom as he leapt up into the air, briefly illuminating himself as nothing more than a deadly shadow as the guards immediately aimed their assault rifles armed with lasers at him before attempting to unload their magazines onto him.

"Damn it! Can't we come to some sort of peaceful resolution?" He snarled in defiance of the bullets searing past him all the while the guards wearing nothing but black formed two small triangles around him in an attempt to encircle him. Wolf, on the other hand, had nothing but some hope defending him alongside some intricate pipe systems.

"Put your hands up and don't move a muscle!" One of the guards commanded, waving their hand forward whilst pointing towards Wolf's suspected location: As he prepared to rip the pipes from their location to expose Wolf to his firing squad, he was shocked to find that he was no longer there. "Spread out, that Wolf could be anywhere- TS-ZH-ZH-ZH-ZH-ZH-ZH!" The commanding squirrel alongside his adversaries was shot by a stun-gun which arced to the rest of his men as Wolf zipped up the entirety of his latex suit, thanking Diane for making it electricity resistant as he continued advancing forward.

"Their firing squad is out of commission. Now, what exactly am I looking for again?" He politely asked Foxington, a little bewildered as to why he was willing to sacrifice himself for something so risky if it was merely a material possession.

"The Golden Dolphin. You wouldn't believe this but this group of bandits you're currently tracking tried to take it with them after infiltrating the award ceremony shortly before you were released. We found out that they were willing to sell it to some wealthy oligarch across the Pacific and long story short, you're now here after months of anticipation! Now, move it!" Diane encouraged him, slightly soured by the fact he dared to take such a risk whilst advancing through the cargo plane. "You'll find it near the pilot's cabin, if you're planning on getting your paws messy then I suggest arming yourself with something. I hate to say it but you might even have to take extreme action... I'm not paying you for nothing, you know."

"More like you're paying me money to play hero and repaying me with another favour once I get back to the bedroom-"

"Exactly! Now, keep moving! You're almost there, I can see your location and you've just been mindlessly talking. I expect to see you on the ground at the drop zone... There's no way you're going to fly back everything, you don't even have a pilots licence!" Foxington ceased communication with Wolf, leaving him in the dark as he was forced to bring his flashlight to his teeth whilst substituting his taser for a pistol.

Fortunately, Wolf happened to have the experimental weaponry needed to hijack a plane which was carrying a ludicrous amount of cargo overseas thanks to the security team he had incapacitated, chosing to substitute his humble pistol for one of the M16's the guards were carrying as he checked it out in one of the reflective surfaces the hull of the cargo plane had to offer.

Unfortunately, he wouldn't have much time to celebrate nor arm himself considering another swarm of attack forces flooded the cargo area shortly thereafter. Finding himself trapped and with little cover, Wolf chose to unload fire upon the three raccoons that had been dispatched to deal with him whilst grabbing the fourth nearby as a human shield in a gruesome display of ruthlessness.

"Where's the Golden Dolphin! I'm here in the name of justice!" Wolf declared, loosening his grip on the raccoon's throat to allow him to talk all the while his comrades urged him not to talk. Fortunately, the raccoon being held hostage had different plans whilst serving as the window between life and death for his canine interrogator.

"Fuck! It's in the cabin behind you, so are the central controls! Just, don't kill me!" The raccoon responded as Wolf peered behind him to find that there was a door behind him that required a keycard. Not wishing to let this situation turn into a bloodbath, he robbed the raccoon of his quartz security card before letting himself into the room, promptly disarming his hostage whilst flicking on a light inside. "Well, here you are, surrounded by my companions. You do realise that we do not take kindly to thieves, right?"

"That's rather pathetic coming from the same thieves that robbed this from the Golden Dolphin Ceremony a few months ago. I'm surprised it took you this long to begin shipping it, I'm guessing things work slow in these little syndicates of yours, huh?" Wolf remarked as he tied the raccoon to a wooden chair with some spare rope, accessed the control panel and found the button which would ensure the cargo door would open when pressed. "Now, I've got a proposition for you, you either tell me where the parachutes are and you get to have your life saved as you'll be bailing with me whilst tied to this chair or you're going to end up dying here as I tempt death with my wingsuit. I may be a show off but I'm practical... I think this is enough of a statement," He grit his teeth all the while the raccoon used his head to point towards a singular red parachute that was tied to the floor.

Wolf used his swiss army knife to hack away at the rope as the guards tried to hammer away at the locked door. Seeing no other option, he used the majority of his strength to throw his hostage alongside the chair at the door handle to jam it in place as he freed the parachute he was looking for. Despite the mumbles of the guards instructing him to surrender his hostage and to come out with his hands up, Wolf decided that it would be a much more noble decision to steal the Golden Dolphin from its position inside of this cabin as he strapped on his newfound parachute with a nervous smile staining his muzzle.

"You're not getting out of this. You're going to die the moment you open those doors. You've taken a hostage, wounded three of my comrades and are stealing the Golden Dolphin... Who are you?" Wolf felt the same rush pour over him as he had experienced when he started getting into heists many years ago, except this was a heist for good that came with the added thrill of limiting the confidence of a criminal syndicate along the way.

"I'm what you aspire to be," Wolf revealed himself underneath the mask at that moment, resting himself against the back of the chair as he eyed up the button which would lead to the rear door opening and spilling the cargo out the back alongside the people trying to pry him from his interrogation room.

"I-it's you. I thought you were... Working for Foxington? Being the good guy?"

"Oh, I am... But you're working for that leech who tried to take our place when we made a promise to this city that it would be safe from criminals like myself, like you. Like your entire syndicate," Wolf cracked his knuckles as he lined up his shot, placing his gun around the top of the chair whilst practically climbing onto the tied up raccoon. "Now, what I'm going to do is simple. I'm going to hit that button, cause the entirety of the cargo to get sucked out; use you as my shield if I have to alongside the chair and then we're out of here. When we land, I'll turn you over to the authorities but I can grant you amnesty if you play ball... Now, what's your plan of action, stripes?"

"Just hit the damn button and get us out of this, already. I'm going to be labelled as a coward either way, at least I get my freedom if I help you," Wolf hit the button behind him, expecting something massive to happen. Below his feet, the hull of the ship rapidly shook as the men on the outside of the door struggled to keep their footing. As Wolf was preparing to be sucked out of the cabin alongside his newfound friend, he secured the Golden Dolphin to the chair by strapping it between the legs of his raccoon as he took up position on the chair and waited for the perfect moment to hit the buzzer to the door. "WOAH! DUDE! WHAT'S HAPPENING! WHY DO I FEEL LIKE I'M FLOATING?" The raccoon exclaimed as their chair started rising up from the ground as turbulence took over, eventually forcing most of the cargo in the back out of the plane; further destabilising it as the people outside the door clung onto whatever they could find for their lives.

"Now, it's showtime!" Mr. Wolf elbowed the buzzer belonging to the door, immediately being sucked out into the cabin alongside the rest of the cargo as he lined his sights up upon those who still had their weapons pointed at him. As the chair rapidly spun around, Wolf started unloading gunfire as he made his journey through the cabin, eventually wounding those who had their sights set on him before being dispersed into the night sky with his striped friend. "Now, that wasn't so hard, was it? But why do I still hear the alarm?"

"WOLF! WOLF! YOU'RE LIKE A CORPSE WHEN THAT THING GOES OFF, WAKE UP!" The raccoon's previously masculine voice shifted into the voice of his familiar vixen as he suddenly felt himself plunging into the void. "WAKE UP! WOLF! COME ON! A LONG DAY WAITS YOU! - WOLF! - MOE!"


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