prepare yourself

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It was a cool sunday afternoon,january, I was lost in thought on how my first year had flown by when she brought me back to reality with her loud screeching.

"Can you believe it?! Our sophomore year is here just like that! " said Mera my bestie in the whole world, we've been together for as long as I can remember,I met her at a birthday party when I was 4,i had dropped my cake and I felt so bad because I had been looking forward to eating it, only for it to land on the floor.

I was already in a pool of tears, sitting in
next to my floor cake when she came to me and said "why are you crying? It's JUST cake, jeez", " I've been looking forward to eating that cake since I saw it on the table, it looked so good and now it's on the floor " I cried " oh my God,your such a drama queen and a cry baby, just have mine"," Are you serious?" "Yes!!" She said, "anything to get you to just be quiet","oh thank you!!" "Yeah, yeah,whatever" she said. "Wanna come over to my house later,I've got a really cute  and really big doll house" I insisted " yeah ok,just promise me you won't start crying over little things again", she asked, "I promise".

Well I broke that promise minutes into our play date the next day when I broke my favorite Barbie doll, but we've been together ever since,she's like my sister I never had.

"What do you think we're gonna be like?! " she said, "I don't know I just hope the new students are nice, I guess"." Are you serious?!" She asked " we're going to be seniors next year and all you're worried about the new students coming? Oh my gosh Emma, I love you but sometimes you're just.... Just... ", "Pretty? Beautiful? Amazing? Which is it? " ," oh darling, you're not even close ", said Mera.

" Tomorrow is the beginning of our sophomore year, you should be thinking about what you're gonna wear, where we're going to sit, how we're going to walk in or something!!" Mera demanded almost frustrated,

" I'm sorry I can't help it(sighs).......I just feel like this year is going to be........i don't know,i feel like our lives are gonna have such a huge change and yet what made it that might actually be quite small", "whatever girl, let's just sort out your clothes cos there's absolutely no way I'm walking into school with you looking like that" said Mera pointing at my outfit with a disgusted look on her face.

"What?! Help me out then! but to be honest, I don't think it's THAT bad ", " well it is love,let's try something else".

I giggled at her disappointed look as she pushed me into my closet to choose something else.
  We walked in through the school halls with so much excitement, there were so many new faces  but yet the old annoying ones could not be Ignored, well just one in particular. That old face was just annoying enough to spoil my first day and just when I walked in too, great.

"Hey girls, so nice to see you again, how was your summer? " said Raven, my worst frenemy ever, she was so bad, her name alone was dark.

When I was 7 and had just started middle school with Mera,it was a nice first day until lunch in the cafeteria and I wanted a big plate of Mac and cheese,Mera warned me not to have such a huge portion but I was so hungry and didn't listen.

I hadn't even gotten to a seat before all my food went crashing down on Raven's face. "I'm so sorry I didn't mean to I swear, here I'll help you cle -", "Ugh what have,what have you done, I'm a mess! This is Gucci!" Raven screamed, "I'm sorry, I-"," You're gonna pay newbie, I'll make you regret ever coming to this school". And she has, for the past six years.

" Well I don't about you, but mine was amazing ", " yeah, amazingly boring, just like you", whispered Mera, I almost burst out laughing, "is something funny? " asked Raven, "yeah," answered Mera, "the makeup on your face..... oh wait, you're not wearing makeup, are you? ".

As soon as she said that I couldn't help it, I laughed so hard I almost cried. " Fine, I tried to be nice but obviously, you still want war, so I respect your wishes"

"Well no one respects you so why don't you just walk away" I said "oh, and btw it's been six years, get over the Mac and cheese thing, besides I read online that if you rub Mac and cheese on your face it'll make it look smoother and better, so you should be thanking me.

And just like that, she walked away, whilst Mera and I waved her goodbye." You never saw anything like that online, did you? " Mera asked, "Nope, but if walks up to me tomorrow telling me she didn't see anything like that online, then I can  use her insecurities against her, when she tries to mess with us again",

"What do you mean? " she asked. "It will show she's insecure about her skin,  she might end up going online looking for where it says anything about Mac and cheese for better skin, not see anything and well confront me about it and I'll know and use it against her" I explained. "Wow, that's ACTUALLY smart".

" Yeah, I know, it's.........wait a minute, you don't think I'm smart?" I asked. "I didn't say that, I...... "She replied.

"But you were thinking it"." Ummm, I think that's the bell, we should go" Mera hesitated. "Mera!!!!"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2022 ⏰

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