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Water flooded the woman's lungs as she finally gave out, loosing the battle against the turbulent waves. It had felt like hours, though it was mere seconds. Not even a minute had passed since she was thrown from the creaky old ship that was now sinking into the darkness.

That same darkness now felt welcoming, more calm than the uproar on the surface as thunder clapped loudly. Her eyes drifted shut as she started to sink, the weightlessness of her body a relief despite the aching pain in her chest.

Maybe this was what she deserved.

Despite that thought crossing her mind, she found herself with no regrets in her last moments. Her body jerked in the darkness once...twice...then it was still.

She couldn't hear the storm above any longer. She couldn't feel the pain of the water suffocating her.

There was nothing.

Nothing was freedom.

And then...

There was dawn.

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