Your sister's instagram

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I just your sisters insta story
Where you look so cute and happy
This version of you is what's hurting me
I just hoped we could see each other again

It's crazy how I can miss you like crazy
I know I said it is either all or nothing
But the healing process is beyond my forces

God I wish I could go back in time
In our great summer times
Where everything seemed easy
Where you were the other half of me

So easy to feel completed and understood
So glad to see you do what you do
So glad to see you do what you love
So sad to not be able to cheer for what you do

And sometimes, a little minority of my time
I can feel my heart break a little bit harder
Harder than the last time it did
Lord, losing you is making me bleed

I won't forget any of this
Everything that we build was so solid
Everything that we build won't be erased
But sometimes I just wished it could.

I wish it could be vanished from my soul.
But it won't.
And I won't let it happen.

Because I loved you to much
Loved you enough to claim you one of mines
Enough to make the wrong decisions
Decisions that were meant for your happiness

I'm glad I'm still following your sister
I'm glad to remind myself of the love I once had
I'm glad to see you doing just fine

I hope your hurting is over
I hope your inner peace is blowing
I hope your self confidence is expending
I hope you're getting wiser and smarter

I could write a thousand words
About how much you destroyed and built
I could write many letters
Because I loved too many aspects of your persona

I hope you remind yourself of that

Of all the love I showed you
Of all the love you showed me
Of the laughters, the cries, the memories, the experiences, the foods, the cigarettes and the blunts, the changing, the growing, the parties, the hurting, the tattoos and the piercings, the school breaks, the summer nights

How did We go from my best summer ever to experience my worst summer ever just in one year ?

Are my tears running down at the time that yours have dried ?

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