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It all started on a mission.

One harmless mission.

Y/n was sprawled out on her air mattress, trying to cool off. It was incredibly hot in the tent she and the raven haired prince shared, thus meaning the young agent couldn't fall asleep.

Loki's snoring wasn't helping either.

She let out an exhausted sigh as she gave up on sleep. The agent slid her feet back into her combat boots, and grabbed the dagger from under her pillow before she stood to leave the tent.

"No..." a deep voice mumbled. Y/n spun on her heel to check who was behind her. The only person there was Loki. She cooked her head, and turned to leave once more.

"Y/n.... no... spare her, please! She's done no wrong! Almighty Thanos please!"

Y/n whirled around once again at the sound of her name. "Your highness?" She questioned softly.

Distressed whimpers were the only response she got.

She crossed the tent, and knelt beside Loki's air mattress. "Your highness," she murmured as she shook him slightly.
Moments later he jumped awake, green magic dancing off his finger tips. Y/n shook her head, her e/c eyes softer then usual. "Your highness, it's alright. It's alright."

Loki looked ashamed as he looked away. "Sorry." He mumbled shortly before pushing himself from his bed, and rummaged around for his boots. Y/n considered saying more, but chose to keep it to herself.

"No need, Highness," she said with a small nod, before walking out of the tent.

. . .

The next time they met it was under much more formal circumstances.

Y/n walked down the halls of the palace, her hands clasped formally behind her back, forcing herself to keep the scowl off her face. For some reason she had thought it a good idea to go visit her sister after her mission.

It hadn't been.

She sighed deeply before pushing the doors to the throne room open, flipping her cloak up over her head before entering. Conceal don't feel she thought to herself as she dropped to one knee, her right arm crossing over her chest.

"Rise, Agent." The voice that summoned her wasn't the Allfather as she thought it would be. She hid her surprise and instead rose. "Your highness" she said with a deep nod. Loki smiled to himself as she greeted him.

"My mission was successful. No casualties. I brought back two prisoners, both of which are being integrated right now."

"Very good, Agent."

Y/n tried very hard not to meet his piercing green gaze.

She failed.

Loki cocked his head slightly, trying to read her eyes. Her face was stone cold. Not a hint of emotion. Her eyes however were the opposite. He saw pain, guilt, hatred, sadness, and were those... tear tracks on her cheeks? She was good at hiding her emotions to the normal eye.

Loki's eyes weren't normal.

"Are you alright, agent?" He asked after a long moment.

"Of course, Highness. Just some personal issues." She replied quickly.

There was a silence.

"Would you like to join me for a drink?" He asked after a long moment.

Around a million reasons of why she should say no filled her mind.

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