My testimony

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Hey girl,
This is my story with god. I had some ups and downs but here I am telling my story. TRIGGER WARING.

I am not gonna tell you any Information about me as a person because I'm gonna be telling you some stuff about my family and it's supposed to stay anonymous.

I have two sisters and we all grew up in a Christian household.

Our family has been through a lot wich affected me as a little girl.
My Sister has been through sexual abuse and rape and she tried to kill herself. Sadly I was there when she slit her wrists. She survived and now she is one of the strongest people I know. She's a missionary in Africa  and she's at a university about the bible snd all around it. She's a big role model for me because In her I see how god can turn even the worst things into the best outcomes.

My other sister has gone through self harm and horrible depression and she was in a psychotic hospital.

Because of all that I grew up to be the ‚fine child' and it all depend on me. At least I felt that way. But I was not Fine and all those feelings and all the sadness and pity for my sisters turned into anger and anger at god. Because I needed someone to blame and I blamed god.

So I stopped going to church for about two years wich made my parents really sad wich is understandable because they love god with all their heart. And they also love me with all their heart so it was hard on them.

We know a family in Canada and I went to stay with them for the summer after they had cancelled the exchange year I was planning on doing because the Holy Spirit told them to. I wasn't ready to go and I needed that year to find god again. So I did. and I started going to church slowly but I was kind of that lukewarm Christian. I was just going once in a while and the rest of my life I was living without god.

So then I went to visit the family in Canada for the summer and they spoke to me so much and I saw wonders happening so that I got baptised by them in they're hot tub at like 11 pm.

After that I was shaking because I was so filled with the Holy Spirit I couldn't stop for an hour.

The whole summer was a blessing and now I am Involved in church and god is helping me and my family with all the trauma that needs addressing and we are all so blessed.

I just can't stop thanking the lord for all he has done and I hope he does the same for you.

If you need praying for just text me in my inbox or write a comment and I will pray for you.

God loves you all 🫶🏻

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2022 ⏰

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