Lucifer X Mary (Pt. 1)

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A/N: please don't take any of this seriously. Also, Christians who are reading this; THIS IS A JOKE, PLEASE DON'T SEND ME DEATH THREATS. I also recomend listening to the song "Unholy" (i'll tell you when to start playing it)

Y/N = your name

Y/H/C = your hair color

Y/E/C = your eye color

Y/N/N = your nick name



"Luciiii~~" Mary says from upstairs "where are youu?" 

"I'm downstairs in the kitchen darling" 

Mary walks downstairs, her hips swaying from side to side as she walks. "I got worried you left" she says with a slight giggle. She walks up to Lucifer hugging him from behind. Lucifer lets a smile wash over his face.

"I would never do any such thing" he says. "Oh, and I'm going to go to the club with some of my friends."

Mary fake pouts "but we were supposed to watch a movie and cuddle tonight" she says trying to push fake tears out of her eyes.

"I know, but this had been planned for some time now. And I will be home before midnight."

"You promise?" Mary asks.

"I promise" he says planting a kiss on Marys forehead.

TIME SKIP TO 2:00 p.m.


"I'm leaving!" I yell up to Mary. I hear the sound of feet running down the stairs. Mary runs at me wrapping me into a hug.

"Okay! I love you. Please be safe and make good choices!" She says "also, what club are you going to?"

"Darling, I'm the devil, my whole brand is 'not making good choices.' And i'll be at 'Luxe'" I say. 

"Okay!" she says, pulling me into a kiss. 

I then grab my keys and head out the door to my car. After 20 minutes I arrive at the club, my friends already waiting outside the entrance. I get out of the car and run/walk towards them.

"Sup, Lucifer" Eric says, as we start walking into the club. (HELP IDK HOW MEN TALK TO EACH OTHER)

The club is full of men and woman, striper polls, and the smell of cigars and alcohol. And let me tell you some of the girls there were HOT. My eyes land on one girl in particular with y/h/c and y/e/c. She looks at me and gives me a small smile, I smile back and start to walk towards her.

"Hi. My name is Lucifer" I say

She looks me up and down "I'm Y/N" she says with a smile.

TIME SKIP TO 11:40 P.M.  

Still Lucifer POV (also start listening to the song now)

It had been 9 hours since I got to the club, I have had about 20 shots, and was definitely drunk. Y/N kept on looking at me, her lips looking perfect in the dim light of the club. Without thinking I attach our lips, Y/N kisses back. I stop. 'what am I doing' I think to myself, 'I am dating Mary.'


It was now past midnight, Lucifer should have been home by now. I'm starting to get worried. I grab my coat and my keys and get in my car, and start driving to Luxe. I basically run into the club 'I hope Luci will be happy to see me' I think with a smile on my face. But my smile dissapers within seconds when I see Lucifer with some GIRL.

~ 541 Words~


A/N: WOOO CLIFFHANGER. Anyway I hope you liked part one? Part 2 will be out soon. Also this is 100% unedited. And I had such a hard time writing this 😭😭


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