Late Night Sweet Tooth

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I want something sweet. I go to the freezer and check for ice cream, but we haven't gone to the store yet this week. While I'm searching the cabinets for anything to satisfy me, Blair comes up behind me and wraps her arms around my waist.

"Baby," she draws out in almost a whine, "what are you looking for at this time of night?"
"Well I'm craving something with sugar and I can't find anything to satisfy my needs."

I'm still moving around while she's attached to me. In the last cabinet I check I find a box of brownie mix that has probably been there for ages. I guess it will do.

"Finally!" I hold the box up in victory. "Will you please help me make these? I'll love you forever." I can bake perfectly fine on my own, but right now I don't feel like mixing stuff. I mean, I have a perfectly strong girlfriend to help me with this kind of thing anyways. Plus she likes baking too.

She looks down at me with a smile and lets me go. I go grab the bowl and whisk while Blair gets the eggs and such. After we get the mix ready I scoop some up on my finger and poke Blair's cheek. The look of pure shock on her face as I stick my finger in my mouth after that is priceless. I wish I had a camera to make the moment last forever.

"Now why did you do that?" She tries to wipe her face, but without a mirror fails.

"Well you look tired, and I need you awake to eat these with me. Obviously." Did she really think she was going to get out of this?

"Oh, well in that case you look a little sleepy too." And just like that there's brownie batter on my forehead. I actually manage to clean it off after I almost end up on the ground from laughing. She knows I'm not ready for bed; I'm a night owl. I have to keep her awake or I'll fall asleep too then the apartment might burn down.

"Dance with me," I extend my hand towards Blair and smile.

"Why of course Princess."

The music playing was soft, as always, but upbeat. We twirled around for some time. When the timer rang signaling that we needed to get the brownies out of the oven, I forgot why we were dancing in the kitchen in the first place. Everything just felt right: Our home smelled of brownies and I was dancing to barely there music with the love of my life. I don't need anything else.

I snap out of my trance ready to eat, so I stop Blair and turn around ready to get the brownies out of the oven. They smell so good and waiting for them to cool is a nightmare. But when they are ready I cut them up and put the whole pan stacked on a plate. We each grab a glass of milk and head to the couch.

Blair already has the remote and puts on some random show for us to watch while we eat. I get the blanket from the back of the couch and pull it over us. We eat the brownies in near silence, almost finishing the stack. I don't want to move from this spot. We can clean up tomorrow, but right now I just want to sleep. Leave it to a sweet tooth and exhaustion to make a night perfect. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2022 ⏰

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