different times..(Chapter3)

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As you startle the poor broken robot, you relized you can take out the mermory chip and order new pieces. so as you told sun he was gonna be shut off you were surprised to her him say.

Sun- ok..but please dont leave me in the dark forever and promise me you will turn me back on...

Y/n-...i promise!

The robot gave you a little smile and closed their eyes..You turned him off and began to work on him..you needed to tell the boss about the problem, hoping he would shut down the daycare for a few months
                         Authers note
(if you did not read the discripion  idk if thats how you spell it but if you did not moon does not exist)

After getting the parts and working all day on him with better and bigger repairs such as blue pupiled eyes and moving mouth with a tongue same reason as chapter 1 and softer hand grip.even with long extandable arms(he can stretch his arm put to about 16 feet)
and the part that you Loved the most was putting in more...human feelings into his programming..after around 6 months you were FINALLY done. excited to see your best friend once again as you turned him on you did not expect the surprise you got...
sorry im leaving you on a clift hanger
Word count: 243

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