Golden Trust

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"Mrs Coulter! Mrs Coulter!''

"I thought you had this under control-" The woman replied quickly and coldly as if she was swatting a fly away. She glanced quickly to the cage as if it was nothing. Well? She couldn't help but practically scream mentally.

"Mother! Mother!"

Mother... The word lingered in her mind. Even though she blocked her child out of her life for 12 years she was a mother. Was this child casually calling out to someone who wasn't there to save her? Others had done the same...

Then she recognised the voice and when she did the monkey let out a small screeching noise.


She quickly pressed the button without a second thought. Time froze. No, no, no! Dear god no... It shouldn't be...

The staff shouted at eachother and before she could think that more than a second had passed her child stood in front of her.

Her child...

But something was off.

She couldn't even think what. Her thoughts were all too jumbled up, her lip shook in fear.. what if I was too late? No. Pantalaimon in the cutest from he could be at the moment ran up to Lyra's legs to practically curl himself at her feet.

She only stared into her child's eyes with need. She needed Lyra. She wanted Lyra. She would kill for her Lyra. She wanted nothing more but to cuddle up with Lyra in her arms.

She walked Lyra back to her room. She couldn't still her thoughts not yet atleast. She couldn't think of anything but of getting Lyra a warm drink as Lyra shivered against her as they walked. She would assure she would get one. Chamomile... The tea she used to a child like Lyra when she was upset. That should do the trick.

"Here drink this." She had escorted Lyra back to her room and in her bed. One arm around Lyra's back and one against the warm glass containing the tea. She could see in Lyra's eyes that she was scared and confused so confused. But of what?

Maybe the fact you lied to her? The monkey couldn't help but say to Mrs Coulter. Or maybe the fact she has just gone through something terrible and that was your fault? He laughed to her. Oh Marisa stop playing the victim we both know it's all your fault.

'Stop. Just stop talking. I'll sew your mouth shut.'

She's already afraid of how we can separate, how do you think she'll respond to you sewing my mouth shut? She'll hate and be afraid of you even more. Did you want your child to hate you?

No. She didn't. As much as she hated the monkey's words she knew he was right. 'I thought you didn't even like her, you said she was too much to handle'

So? I'm not afraid of my feelings unlike you, over what did you call it before? Love? He let out a low screech but kept his distance as he could sense Pantalaimon's fear.

Mrs Coulter had to block him out and fight the urge to beat him black and blue. Her child was far more important.

She brushed the hair away from her face. "The Chamomile will make you feel better and it's perfectly safe. If I was trying to drug you there are easier ways to do so then a drink. Look" she tilted the glass up to her mouth and drank a sip. Pantalaimon crawled out from under Lyra's sleeve in the form of a white ermine to smell the glass as Mrs Coulter brought the glass down.

Her eyes glanced at Pantalaimon so close and her eyes melted. She had seen other children's daemons be so close to their mothers too. But after sniffing the drink, Mrs Coulter moved one of her fingers and Pantalaimon immediately changed into a moth and buried himself in Lyra's hair. 'It's safe Lyra I don't think she would've drank it other wise' Pantalaimon then changed into a grey mouse curled up at Lyra's neck.

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